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Vicki's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: Wollongong


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Vicki Forum Contributions
Alpine strawberry - Yes, I am growing yates alpine strawberries at the moment. I have eight plants from seed. The hardest part is germinating them. I repot when big enough to handle into small seedling pots with azaela mix as this is acid. I then repot as they get larger..4713 days 16hrs
Passionfruit - Yes I have, with no success. I have seen non grafted seedlings in the nursery and will try one of them next if it is possible to grow it in a wine half barrel. Thanks for the reply...4980 days 18hrs
Passionfruit - Has anyone successfully grown a passionfruit in a large wine barrel against a north facing fence? I had a nelly kelly there once in the ground but the base graft went everywhere invading other beds etc. It is also near a large tree. I would also like t..4992 days 20hrs
Passionfruit - Has anyone successfully grown a passionfruit in a large wine barrel against a north facing fence? I had a nelly kelly there once in the ground but the base graft went everywhere invading other beds etc. It is also near a large tree. I would also like t..4992 days 20hrs
Persimmon3 - Thanks Kert, will water well next spring. The tree is healthy looking :))..5754 days 14hrs

Blueberry - Climax

Vicki's Edible Fruits

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Blueberry - Powderblue

Vicki's Edible Fruits

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Blueberry- Premier

Vicki's Edible Fruits

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Dwarf Lemon - Meyer

Vicki's Edible Fruits

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Dwarf Lime - Tahitian

Vicki's Edible Fruits

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Finger Lime - Red Cutting

Vicki's Edible Fruits

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Blueberry - Tifblue

Vicki's Edible Fruits

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