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Alexa's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Melbourne

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Alexa Forum Contributions
Advise please - There are a lot of tomato growers at the OZgrow forum, I'm sure someone would know of a good one for your situation. There are veggie growers up north there too who could help you with your other questions. www.ozgrow.com..5751 days 17hrs
Rock melon fruits do not grow bigger - Definitely a pollination issue. Unfortunately from what I understand melons can be some of hardest to get the pollination right. Try hand-pollinating but next year try to attract more bees to your garden - plant lots of pretty flowers near your veggie p..5751 days 17hrs
Trees in one hole - Has anyone tried combining two-trees-one-hole with espalier? Perhaps planting them next to each other, then each one gets tied down to opposite sides of the frame?..5767 days 15hrs
Trees in one hole - Adele I'd recommend Woodbridge Fruit Trees, they're also quite knowledgeable. http://www.woodbridgefruittrees.com.au/ ..5767 days 15hrs
Growing avocado in melbourne - Actually there are a LOT of questions about avocados on this forum! I searched the forum for "wurtz" and got a bunch of threads including this one about growing them in Melbourne. http://www.daleysfruit.com.au/forum/avocados-in-melbourne/ ..5771 days 19hrs

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