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Sammy1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: Sydney


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Sammy1 Forum Contributions
Competition how my fruit tree survived the - Hi what you mention about Afghanistan is very true. Another friend told me about it a couple of months ago and I have mentioned it to a few growers. It is definately the answer to high heating costs. My neighbor grows cucumbers and tomatoes and during ..4979 days 7hrs
Competition how my fruit tree survived the - Necessity is the mother of invention I am told that in Afghanistan where temperatures fall to minus 30 in some areas and summers are very hot people still grow tomatoes and cucumbers as well as other veggies very successfully throughout the year. They ..5010 days 14hrs

Finger Lime - Red Cutting

Sammy1's Edible Fruits

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Persimmon - Flat Seedless (A)

Sammy1's Edible Fruits

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Pomegranate - Wonderful

Sammy1's Edible Fruits

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Papaya- Yellow YD1B Hybrid

Sammy1's Edible Fruits

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Papaya - Southern Red

Sammy1's Edible Fruits

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Dragon Fruit - Pearl

Sammy1's Edible Fruits

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Dragon Fruit - Yellow

Sammy1's Edible Fruits

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