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Jirt's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jirt Forum Contributions
Organic mini golden bitter melon - I remove the seeds and slice the green melon thinly and use in stirfry. Interestingly, my mini foxy loves to eat the bitter melon in the stir fry - she prefers it to chicken...5190 days 2hrs
Papayuelo2 - I bought two papayuelos from Daleys just over a year ago. As I knew you need a male and female, I expected Daleys to send me both. They have now reached about 3 metres high, produce flowers but no fruit. By the look of the flowers I think they are both ..5202 days 7hrs
Fruit trees19 - Have you thought about some of the native species that Daleys sell that grow quickly and fruit well Native mulberry Midyam berry Orange berry..5744 days 3hrs
Ylang ylang1 - Thanks Trikus - I'll leave them for the birds..5748 days 2hrs
Ylang ylang1 - My Ylang Ylang tree has bunches of fruit like black grapes - does anyone know if these fruits are edible? Thanks..5749 days 4hrs

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