Elizabeth Forum Contributions
Btype avocado - Kath, in your opinion are any of these three b-cultivars superior? (I am in Sydney.)..
6228 days 4hrs
Btype avocado - HappyEarth, I have been trying to find out exactly the same thing. Obviously the B-type needs to flower at the same time as Hass. The Yates Gardening Guide suggests Sharwill to go with Hass...
6228 days 23hrs
Orange mango - Hai, I have a twenty or so year old Valencia orange tree near Ryde (at Lane Cove North) that fruits very well. That said, I think any variety of orange tree would do well in Ryde, given good sun and watering...
6230 days 20hrs
Lemon tree roots - I'm not sure about the pipes Lyn, but my general understanding is that citrus trees have relatively shallow root systems...
6230 days 20hrs
Aplle trees - Shane, apple trees can potentially grow in a tropical climate, especially apples such as 'Anna', 'Dorsett Golden' or 'Tropic Sweet', which were bred with this purpose in mind. It really depends on how cool your winters are - basically, all apples re..
6244 days 3hrs