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Uma's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: sydney

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Uma Forum Contributions
Mesona chinensis - hi Roni, What is indian beans? is that the one they call Avarai? i would luv to have them. Have you got the tindora as well? I am happy to pay Roni. Thanks uma..5105 days 21hrs
Agathi or agati plants wanted wa - Ok. its from an online nursery. the web address is http://www.herbs-to-use.com/contact-us.html Her name is Alisha. I have ordered 2 plants. Not sure whether they will send it to WA though...5119 days 17hrs
Agathi or agati plants wanted wa - I got this plant from an online nursery. not sure about the name. will let you know...5120 days 16hrs
Mesona chinensis - hi, Can I have some cuttings of Coccinia grandis please? I love the vegetable. I am happy to pay. Regards Uma..5164 days 22hrs
Coccinia grandistindora - hi, I want one too. did you manage to get it? If so please let me know...5164 days 22hrs

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