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SAndy Leigh's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 02/05/19 Frost:
Location: HAIGSLEA

About My Edible Backyard

Why SAndy Leigh Love's Edible Plants

 We have an old dairy property - 72 acres of blacksoil, most is beef cattle pasture at the moment, however we are looking to see if tahitian limes, finger limes and bush lemons do well.  If so we'll set up a bigger income producing operation, however water is our issue as we are on tanks so still in the experimentation stage at the moment.


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

SAndy Leigh Forum Contributions
Pepperina tree - Thanks heaps for the info. I thought it may be something like that as it is the only pepperina tree on the property of 72 acres. I'll have to look into finding out if it is a male or female or both and get a complimentary tree to pollinate. Thanks agai..2114 days 20hrs
Pepperina tree - Why doesn't my lovely old pepperina tree produce peppercorns? We have seen them on other trees, but ours never has any. Thanks...2118 days 12hrs
Pakalaka tree - Thanks for that Carinya - now that we've actually had some rain I can think about new plants again! Cheers!..2680 days 14hrs
Pakalaka tree - Thanks Heaps Linton - I got onto the Diggers Club and they were a bit stumped but I found this on the Qld Govt Environment website: https://environment.ehp.qld.gov.au/species-search/details/?id=16478 Species profile..2810 days 12hrs
Pakalaka tree - Does anyone know where I can get pakalaka trees? May be called something else?? It is a large soft wood shade tree with broad leaves and small yellow bottle brush type flowers. You'll usually find one in an old dairy or pig yard. Ours is ancient and has c..2827 days 13hrs

Finger Lime (Grafted)

SAndy Leigh's Edible Fruits
Update: 2114 days 20hrs

Comments: - Trying out a new crop and looking at a niche market

Planted: 2019

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 2

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Question: Any tips on growing finger limes in blacksoil in south east Qld? Particularly what is the best fertilizer.

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Lime - Tahitian (Grafted)

SAndy Leigh's Edible Fruits
Update: 2114 days 20hrs

Comments: - Trying out a new crop and looking for niche market

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Question: Any tips on growing tahitian limes in blacksoil in south east Qld - also what's the best fertilizer.

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