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Carla1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 06/08/09 Updated: 15/03/21 Frost:
Location: EULEILAH

About My Edible Backyard

Why Carla1 Love's Edible Plants

Soil type- sandy,        Annual rainfall - 36inches,      Aspect of property - South facing.

Our Orchard does it tough. Most of the plantings were done in 1997.  During this  time our orchard has been through 10yrs of drought, 4x Hail storms, Possum attacks and just recently a tornado (Dec2008). To this time we have lost only 15% of our 100 fruit trees. We mulch mulch mulch. Our soil type is sandy to light loam. Great for drainage but does dry out. A tip.. when we dug the holes and they were deep.   We placed thick cardboard in the bottom of the holes. This acts like a underground reservoir. I would only recommend sandy soils for this tip. Also we have long western sunsets and we do get medium to heavy frosts.    I collected local Wattle seed, which are not the suckering type and planted 4 Wattle  seedlings around each frost sensitive fruit tree (to protect from frosts and western sun).  The Wattles have now become timber and mulch for the very fruit trees they have been protecting for all these years. Now, I only plant tough trees as the above can become  time consuming. Well, not all the time. My next experiment will be a Wonga Beach Coconut. Hymmm


Edward3 says... [2186 days 14hrs ago]
Hi Carla - what is your location, so that we can judge the climate better. Thanks.
becrule35 says... [1607 days 18hrs ago]
Hi Carla my number is 0402276347. If you don’t mind can you please text me, I would like to buy or swap some cuttings off you. Also maybe buy some seeds off you. Cheers

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Carla1 Forum Contributions
Ph for goji berries - Being a native to the Asian/Himalayan area's I would presume the PH would be neutral (6.5) to slightly alkaline (7.5). Once established they will grow in almost any type of soil from sandy to clay, but they tend to flower and fruit better in well drain..6113 days 15hrs
Ph for goji berries - Goji plants are easy to grow once they are established. The plants ..6113 days 16hrs
Lemon tree growth on branches - I think you have Gall Wasps. Please refer to the picture. There are no practical chemical controls for home gardeners. But the other alternative is to remove all infected stems (cutting back to well behind the galls) by the end of August at the latest, b..6113 days 16hrs
Lemon tree growth on branches - Sounds like you have Gall wasp - Control There are no practical chemical controls for home gardeners, although there are registered chemicals for commercial growers that are mostly highly toxic. In the home garden, remove all infected stems (cutting..6113 days 16hrs
Burdekin plum1 - Once your tree is up and growing you just cannot kill a Burdekin Plum. They are wonderful trees being a bushfood, cabinet timber and having high frost and drought tolerance makes them a very popular tree. Also the Burdekin Plum only produces fruit on..6125 days 22hrs

Walnut - Placentia (Grafted) 8/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Update March 2021 - After a long drought, one excellent summer rainfall.... I have a good crop of Walnuts. 

Photo taken 2009, No rain Nov-Jan09, top dressed 09, No nuts yet. 

It's now Oct 2016 and have updated photo.  It been fruiting since 2013 (March) and have germinated the seeds (90% strike).  I'm amazed at it's growth burst after dormancy, sometimes 2m in one season.  This tree has been cut back every winter for scionwood.

Planted: 2002

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Carla1 says... [3643 days 22hrs ago]

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Avocado - Fuerte (B) (Grafted) 7/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

small fruit developing Nov09.                                                                           Sept 2010  In FULL flower, brillant display-Photo taken Sept 2010

Planted: 2000

Height 2 metres

First Fruited: 2006 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Autumn


Pollination: Cross Pollination

Organic Status:Organic



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Kath says... [5261 days 2hrs ago]
Your orchard looks awesome!

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Avocado - Bacon (B) (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Is planted in an area where it does get below zero and is thriving,          Sept 2010 - In FULL flower

1st photo Avo bacon foreground.  Background from the left Plum Yarr, Olive Manz, Apple Tropic Sweet, Walnut Placentia.  All these trees were planted a year ago from photo

Planted: 2008

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Cross Pollination

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Dwarf Avocado - Wurtz (A) (Grafted) 8/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

In the last year with the rainfall I have had unbelievable success and growth spirt.                                                                                                               Sept 2010 - In FULL Flower-Photo taken       

11/12/10 Sml fruits developing fast (sml feijoa size). Scions are very close to ready. No bud burst yet.                                                       

Planted: 2000

Height 2 metres

First Fruited: 2008 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Cross Pollination

Pest Control:

Fully Pest Free

Organic Status:Organic

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13 of 25 people found this review useful


vlct says... [4195 days 21hrs ago]
Hi whats the wurtz fruit like? Thanks

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Avocado - Hass (A) (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Had to hard prune 2 x hass, due to animal attack (maybe possums) They eat the bark & near totally ring the tree. Trees were 5m tall, now down to main stump 1 metre. Have also 3 other Hass which did not get attacked, but they only have a few flowers.

Planted: 2000

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Cross Pollination

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Dwarf Avocado - Pinkerton (A) (Grafted) 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

I have 7 varieties of Avocados & so far the Pinkerton is the most consistant tree when it come's  to fruitinf,.  Small fruit developing Nov09

Sept 2010 - In FULL flower

11/12/10 sml fruits growing fast (sml feijoa size). Scions are ready NOW. 

24/12/12 Fruits 3/4 size - We've had plenty of rain

Planted: 1997

Height 2 metres

First Fruited: 2005 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Autumn


Pollination: Cross Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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becrule35 says... [1607 days 18hrs ago]
Hi I was wondering if you would please sell me some scions for avocados? I have bacon and feurte already. I would appreciate any variety you have or can spare. I Can send you some of my fruit tree cuttings too if you like.

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Avocado - Secondo (A) ®

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Sept 2010 - In FULL Flower (gone mad with flowering) Compared to my other Avocado's. The Secondo is slow. It seems to chunk up instead of growing in height. Previously have lost 2, tried the pink protectors & have had a good result/

Height 1 metres

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: No

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Dwarf Avocado - Shepard (B) (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

I have 2 Sheppards and are both 10years old.  (I choose them to xpollinate 4 Hass).  One of them (closest to the west) is finally fruiting 241210.  Only a small crop.

Fruiting Months December

Planted: 1999

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Cross Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Custard Apple - Geffner (Grafted) 7/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -


Planted: 2000

First Fruited: 2004 Years from purchase in pot

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Custard Apple - Late Gold (Grafted) 3/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Finally, first time in full flower. After waiting 9yrs

Planted: 2000

Height 3 metres

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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TyalgumPhil says... [4555 days 17hrs ago]
Have just bought one after two years on the waiting list. Did you get to taste the fruit?

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Cherimoya - White (Grafted) 5/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

1st Photo taken 2009. Flowering Nov09.

Fruiting Months February and April

Planted: 1998

First Fruited: 2001 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Cedar Bay Cherry (Seedling) 9/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

fruit maturing soon Nov09.

Dec2010 No fruit?  Maybe too much rain?.  This as been the first time it has not fruited.

Fruiting Months January and December

Planted: 1999

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

First Fruited: 2004 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Edward3 says... [2600 days 13hrs ago]
Hi. I think some of your data might need fixing, like how long before fruiting, and when you water it.

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sapodilla grafted (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Photo taken 2009, No rain Nov09-Jan10.   Kept this (G)Sapodilla in a pot for 10yrs to get big enough for planting out.  As they are frost sensitive.  The area which this tree is planted can get light frosts.  So far so good

Nov 2010, A tree fell over on it and split the trunk in half.  I have painted the the open half trunk with black tar & hope it will pull through.

Planted: 2007

Height 1 metres

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Lychee - Wai Chee (Cutting) 8/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Flowering Nov09

Planted: 2000

Height 1.5 metres

Growing: In the Ground

First Fruited: 2007 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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anonymous7 says... [4020 days 18hrs ago]

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Lychee - Salathiel

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

 Photo taken before top dressed (Apr 10) since then the tree has responded quite well & shows that they can grow fast

Planted: 2000

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

First Fruited: 2006 Years from purchase in pot

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Cross Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Stone Pine grafted (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

1st photo taken 2009

Planted: 2007

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Feijoa - Duffy (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Photo taken 2009

Planted: 2007

Height 1 metres

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Olive - Kalamata (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Sept/Oct 2009 Ist time flowering. Planted 2002. Maybe due to the plentiful amounts of fertilizer & Dolomite.  Cut off 3m growth rootstock (Manzanillo Cuttting) Oct 2009, it too was flowering but in small amounts. 

Photo taken 2009

Sept 2010 - min flowers

Planted: 2002

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

1st picture taken 2009. No rain Nov-Jan  Aug-Sept Flowering

Planted: 2008

Height 1 metres

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

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MacLynn says... [5663 days 13hrs ago]
I am wondering myself whether or not these would really be suitable for coastel north of Brisbane weather. I think not actually and I wondered what sort of climate you are ine. What would be the lowest temperature you get down to in winter?

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Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Photo taken 2009. A Dorset Gold in Middle. Apple Tropic Sweet left side. Apple Anna right side & in far background Avocado Bacon.  This area can go as low as -2 temp

Planted: 2008

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Photo taken 2009.  Apple TS is in foreground

Planted: 2008

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Plum - Yarrahapinni Blood (Cutting)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Photo taken 2009 -No rain Nov-Jan

Planted: 2008

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Dwarf Orange - Cara Cara (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Sept 2010 - Top dressed last year & was well worth it.  Now is looking vigorious & healthy.  No flowers yet

Planted: 207

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Wampee (Seedling) 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

small fruit developing Nov09

Fruiting Months January and December

Planted: 1999

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

First Fruited: 2004 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Chestnut - Reilly (Grafted) 8/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

1/12/10 - Just finished flowering (smelly for 2wks).

Took 24 scionwoods 121210. A mix of fat, slim buds on black/green stems.  Grafted the next day into 1yr old rootstocks MT. 

241210 -All 24 grafts look good.  The slim buds are now swelling.

Fruiting Months February

Planted: 1998

Height 5 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

Pest Control:

Pest free

Organic Status:Organic

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Carla1 says... [5611 days 13hrs ago]

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Allspice (Cutting)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

For Rhys

Photo taken 2009, No rain Nov-Jan10, Sept 2010 - Is flowering

Planted: 2008

Height 1 metres

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

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avocado seedling Hass Hogarth Range

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Sept 2010 - Min flowering

Planted: 2000

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Candle Nut (Seedling) 9/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Flowering Oct09- Was surprised to see how hardy this tree is.  1. photo taken Jan07

Fruiting Months January and December

Planted: 1997

Height 4 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 2007 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Wax Jambu - Pink (Seedling) 9/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

In full flower Nov09. Hardy tree requiring  low maintenance

1/12/10 - poor flowering and not many fruits.  Interesting as 2010 has been a good rainfall year.  Also had the most overcast (bleak) weather pattern.

Fruiting Months January

Planted: 1997

Height 2.5 metres

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:

so far, no pests

Organic Status:Organic

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Acerola - Florida Sweet (Cutting) 6/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:

so far, no pests

Organic Status:Organic

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Carambola Starfruit - Kary (Grafted) 6/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

photo taken 2009. Topped dressed has responded with faster growth.

Fruiting Months June and July

Planted: 1997

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Cherry of Rio Grande (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Planted: 2008

Height 0.5 metres

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Organic Status:Organic

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Longan - Seedling (Seedling) 8/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

small fruit developing Nov09. A very hardy tree needing not much maint/fert/water

Planted: 1997

Height 4 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 2000 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:

so far no pests

Organic Status:Organic

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Ambarella (Seedling) 3/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

planted 13 yrs ago, still waiting for fruit.

Planted: 1996

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

Pest Control:

no pests so far

Organic Status:Organic

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Jaboticaba - Grafted (Grafted) 4/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

low maintenance hardy tree, but very slow.  My seedling jaboticaba was planted at the same time and has being fruiting for the last 3 yrs.  Still waiting on the grafted jabot to produce fruit.

Sept 2010 - At long last it is finally flowering. only a few branches though.

Planted: 1997

Height 1.5 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:

so far no pests

Organic Status:Organic

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Ceylon Hill Gooseberry (Cutting) 6/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Need to fertilize.  It's been a while since it last produced fruit.

Planted: 1997

Height 0.7 metres

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Never

Pest Control:

so far no pests

Organic Status:Organic

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Black Sapote (Seedling) 7/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

tried growing grafted types but had no success.  This seedling tree is tough and has produced it's first 5 fruits this year 2008 (took 11 yrs).                 1st Photo taken 2009.

Fruiting Months June

Planted: 1997

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 2008 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:

so far, pest free

Organic Status:Organic

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Edward3 says... [2186 days 14hrs ago]
You are lucky because my seedling black sapote (5m tall) gets plenty of flowers but they all drop off. Seems they are self-infertile.

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Kumquat - Nagami (Grafted) 8/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Tough little tree, produces fruit every year. 

Fruiting Months June, July, August

Planted: 1997

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 1998 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:

so far, no pests

Organic Status:Organic

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Grumichama - Black (Seedling) 6/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

produces only few fruits, properly planted in a too shady spot.

Planted: 2000

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 2004 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

Fertiliser or Organics Used: blood

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:

so far, no pests

Organic Status:Organic

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Dragon Fruit - Yellow (Cutting) 8/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Is rambling on a long lived Wattle tree.  Very hardy tolerating frosts to zero.  Possoms eat all the fruit

Planted: 1998

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 2004 Years after I planted Cutting

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

Fertiliser or Organics Used: B/Bone, D/Lifter, woodstove ash for lime

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Red Ash

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

seed developing mid-stage, has dropped 1/2 leaves Nov09.Native to Hogarth Range.  Is one of my favourite native trees.  Has many qualities eg- wildlife attractant, timber, medicinal and first choice for reforestation.

Fruiting Months January and December

Height 8 metres

Sun/Shade: Full Shade

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

Pest Control:

Bugs, but always come back beautifully.  These bugs are then for the takings for birds, making it a wildlife attractant.

Organic Status:Organic

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Finger Lime 4/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Slow growing.  Planted in shady position.  Need to plant more in full sun.

Fruiting Months January and December

Planted: 2008

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Shade

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Black bean 9/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Native to creeks in Hogarth Range in the lower catchment.  Tolerates medium frosts.  Have had best results planting seed straight into ground, compared to planting seedlings.  Seem to tolerate drier soils better.  Is fast growing when moisture is present.  1 photo taken July 2007.  2nd photo taken Feb 2009

Planted: 2006

Qty: 40

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Never

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Stone Pine 9/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Planted 2 seedlings on small block 111

Planted: 2000

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 2

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

When I Fertilise: Never

Organic Status:Organic

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Bunya Nut (Seedling) 9/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

planted at driveway gate & front of old house

Planted: 2002

Height 4 metres

Qty: 5

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Cross Pollination

Cross Pollinator Variety: seedlings

When I Fertilise: Never

Pest Control:

None- Cattle won't touch them

Organic Status:Organic

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Lilly Pilly - Brush Cherry 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Native to my area.  I just love this tree.  It's BIG and tough.  The fruits are like little crispy apples (not too sweet), wildlife attracting, ornamental and is best choice for a shade tree.  The best Fire Fly shows (Sept) are always under this tree.

Fruiting Months June and July

Height 22 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Dwarf Persimmon - Fuyu (NA) (Grafted) 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

developing small fruit Nov09

1/12/10 - Heaps of sml fruits are coming on

Planted: 2000

Height 1.5 metres

First Fruited: 2003 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: When Fruiting

Organic Status:Organic

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Pomegranate - Wonderful 7/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

finished flowering Oct09. Small fruit developing Nov09

Planted: 1997

Height 2 metres

First Fruited: 2003 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Cross Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

Organic Status:Organic

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mango turpentine 4/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

moderate crop coming on Nov09

Fruiting Months January and February

Planted: 2002

Height 7 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

Pest Control:


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Tall Geebung 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

fruit developing, near mature Nov09. Persoonia attunuata (Forest Geebung) The best wildlife attractant tree. Attracts wallaby, possum, bird, glider,

Fruiting Months December

Height 6 metres

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

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Wild Raspberry (Seedling) 9/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

fruiting Oct/Nov09

Fruiting Months October and November

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

Organic Status:Organic

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Rhodamnia rubescens - Scrub Turpentine

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

This medium tree makes an excellent screen tree

Sept 2010 they are in full flower & the perfume is lovely.  Was told by a friend that the fruit is nice and edible.

Dec 1st 2010 - seeds ready now

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Mango Bowen-Causeway (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

1st time flowered. Approx 16yrs old.  Planted in a shady position.  Due to the dry spring. many other types of trees have flowering as well 10/11/2009

Planted: 2002

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

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Avocado seedling-SummerGarden (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Produced one fruit for the first time Aug09.  Has never been fertilized or watered.

Sept 2010 - Flowering on tips. only small

Dec 11th 2010.  Noticed one small fruit coming on

Fruiting Months August

Planted: 2000

Height 4 metres

Growing: In the Ground

First Fruited: 2009 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

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Brazilian Cherry (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Planted a small hedge of them (6) back in 1999 and never have they produced any fruits. Must be due to a shady position. UNTIL NOW only one is loaded with flowers. As they can become a spreading weed I will be pruning to stop fruiting developing. 

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pest Control:


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Maple - Sugar (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Tough.  Need to weed out the grass and mulch.

Planted: 2000

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

When I Fertilise: Never

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Red Bauple Nut (Seedling) 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Beautiful tough tree - Aug-Sept Flowering. as been for a while now

Planted: 1998

Height 3 metres

First Fruited: 2004 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

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Mango 111 (Seedling) 5/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Bumper crop coming, medium size fruit developing Nov09. Last fruited Jan2004 moderate crop

11/12/10 Due to rain, no flowers no fruit

Fruiting Months January and December

Height 7 metres

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Mandarin seedling 111 No3 (Raspberry creek) (Seedling) 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

fruit similar to emperior, sweet & easy peel. Crops every year

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

Organic Status:Organic

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Mandarin seedling 111 No3 (Raspberry creek) (Seedling) 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

fruit similar to emperior, sweet & easy peel. Crops every year

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

Organic Status:Organic

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Mandarin seedling 111 No2 (mid hill) (Seedling) 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

scraped/painted lantana away from tree. Fruit similar to emperior sweet/easypeel

June-Aug 2010 Abundant fruit

Height 3 metres

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

Pest Control:

gall wasp

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mango turpentine (Seedling) 5/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

moderate crop (medium size) coming on Dec09

Fruiting Months January and December

Height 8 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Never

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Cordyline - Red fruited Palm Lily (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Seed came from Kaths area (Cawongla) Have tried a few, but they died, must like a heavier soil than my sandy soil.  Anyway have planted 3 near dripping sink area & they are growing well.  Is now Sept 2010 & they are flowering (C stricta is also flowering).

Planted: 2007

Height 1 metres

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

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Jaboticaba Small Leaf Seedling (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Photo taken Jan10.

Nov 10th-30th 2010 fruiting period.  First tray of seeds (flesh off) put down 4/12/10 & 2nd batch of seeds are still fermenting the flesh off.

Planted: 1997

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

First Fruited: 2007 Years from purchase in pot

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Lilly Pilly - Red Apple (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

Bushfood. Ornamental tree with beautiful red flushes.  Photo taken 2009, No rain Nov-Jan10 very hot summer.

Planted: 1999

Height 2 metres

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

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Carob Grafted (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

1st photo taken 2009.  It flowers but never fruits, maybe it's a grafted male.  I thought being (G) it would be bisexual.

Planted: 2000

Height 3 metres

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Cross Pollination

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Green Sapote

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

1st photo taken 2009.  Green Sapote left & Jelly Palm on right.  I planted  4x non suckering Acacia's around them to protect them.  As my soil is poor, frosts in the winter & hot western summer sun.  They are now 13yrs old and still no fruit.  Anytime now!

Oct 2016 Photo update.  FINALLY!!! fruit....x8 nice looking ones, have been hanging on x2 trees for 8 or more weeks, nice size.  Picked one 4 wks ago, not ready., another did drop on ground and flesh went dry, but seed looks ok. Still waiiting with others.  This is such a beautiful tree with all the flower buds on the stems.

Planted: 1997

Height 1 metres

Qty: 2

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Markmelb says... [2703 days 1hrs ago]
Carls = love to see your latest pics and fruit of you GS as these pics here just repeat - I have same issue on my edible page - maybe begin a new thread and give it another name? thanks mark

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Red Cedar

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 1434 days 22hrs

Comments: -

1st 2x photos taken 2009.  These are the suckers coming up after the tree was blown over back in Nov08.  It will be interesting to see the growth rate as there is a large root system to push up the suckers

Planted: 1998

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

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daniel1 says... [5199 days 13hrs ago]
I bought about 10 at the same time from Daleys, no more than 3 years ago one of them is now about 6m tall and 4m wide, the others vary with the smallest being 1m tall and 40cm wide, the largest in my garden was planted next to a secondary compost bin which i only ever use when cleaning out the main bin, they REALLY love a good compost, i took just one bucked of compost to one of the ones in the front yard it has grown about 1m in 3 months, the largest in the back yard has a trunk 20 - 30cm in diameter already! the birds seem to love it! as do I!

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Dwarf Mango - Irwin (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 3051 days 14hrs

Comments: -

Photo taken 2009. Sept 2010 - Flowering

Cut flowers off (early nov) to encourage bud growth ready to be used for scions.  Scions not ready yet 11/12/10

Sept 2016 Photo update..Beautiful looking red fruit.  Last year, 20 or more fruit, but wildlife got them before me. 

Planted: 2000

Height 1 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Edward3 says... [2186 days 14hrs ago]
Carla - hate to see you losing to the animals. Try my method of protecting mangoes using empty 3 litre plastic milk bottles on each mango.

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Macadamia (Seedling) 6/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 3051 days 14hrs

Comments: -


Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Flame Tree

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 3051 days 14hrs

Comments: - Planted 8 seedlings 2007 (AndrewA excess), at top of driveway. Grafted 2008. Scions have taken and are now pushing new growth 30cm. Scionwoods came from Bob's seedling which I propagated 20yrs ago from Bowen Hills Bne.  Was a great day. So finally Bob's Flame flowered 2yrs ago.  We waited 18yrs for it to flower and when it did it was spectacular.

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nectarine (Grafted) 8/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 3051 days 14hrs

Comments: -

easy to grow and produces plentiful amounts of fruits every year. Surprisingly we have no fruit fly, maybe it's because it's under hailnet

Fruiting Months October

Planted: 1997

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:

so far no pests

Organic Status:Organic

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Eucalyptus - Tallowwood

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 3051 days 14hrs

Comments: -

This Tallowood would be the tallest tree on our property.  I estimate it's age to be at least 300yrs old

Height 60 metres

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Carambola grafted-LongPolyLane5 (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 3051 days 14hrs

Comments: -

This tree would produce fruit every year in the long poly house. As it became to large for it's pot, Greg gave it to me to plant out at my place, back in 1997. Twelve years later it finally produced fruit again (2009)

Planted: 1997

Height 3 metres

First Fruited: 2009 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

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Palm - Date Medjool

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 4295 days 13hrs

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Palm - Date Medjool

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 4295 days 13hrs

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Lilly Pilly - Magenta Cherry

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5181 days 16hrs

Comments: -

Best flowering ever, lasted 6weeks (2 flushes).  Flowers are finishing now 11/12/10

Pollination: Cross Pollination

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Lomandra longifolia - Mat Rush

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5181 days 17hrs

Comments: -

11/12/10 seeds nearly ready

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5181 days 17hrs

Comments: -

Schizomeria ovata - Nov 2010 In full flower

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Cordyline - Narrow-leaved palm lily (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5181 days 17hrs

Comments: -

Sept 2010 - flowering.  11/12/10 Fruits coming on

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Creek Lilly Pilly

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5181 days 17hrs

Comments: -

Nov/Dec 2010 Full flower

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Native Tamarind

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5181 days 17hrs

Comments: -

Nov 16th 2010- Collected & put seed down.  Popping up 11/12/10

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Blueberry - Sharpblue (Cutting) 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5181 days 17hrs

Comments: -

Sept 2010 - Small fruit developing

Nov/Dec harvesting fruit

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Blueberry - Gulfcoast (Cutting) 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5181 days 17hrs

Comments: -

Sept 2010 - small fruit developing.

Nov/Dec - harvesting fruit

Pollination: Self Pollination

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vlct says... [4087 days 13hrs ago]

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Palm - Walking Stick (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5264 days 14hrs

Comments: -

Bushfood 2x under awning. Fruit every Dec. Seeds come up 1yr later usually a good strike. Planted 6 at swimming hole Aug2010

Planted: 1998

Height 1 metres

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Bangalow Palm

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5264 days 14hrs

Comments: -

Archontophoenix cunninghamiana-Bushfood

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Olive - Manzanillo

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5264 days 17hrs

Pollination: Cross Pollination

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Fig - Small Leaved

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5264 days 18hrs

Comments: -

Bushfood - A native strangling fig to my area

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Wild Quince (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5264 days 19hrs

Comments: -

Alectryon subcinereus,  Sept 2010 Fruiting (near swimming hole)

Pollination: Self Pollination

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avocado duke 7 (Grafted)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5264 days 19hrs

Comments: -

Died 2009. Was quite surprised as my soil goes good avocados, & being a rootstock var, I would have thought it would be tough.

Planted: 2007

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: No

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Lomandra hystrix - Mat Rush

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5562 days 0hrs

Fruiting Months January and December

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Grape - Pink Iona 5/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5562 days 0hrs

Comments: -

cut back hard July09. Pushed new growth Nov09

Planted: 1997

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Pollination: Cross Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Mandarin seedling 111 No1 (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5562 days 1hrs

Comments: -

Pruned hard to rid off gall wasp & killed lantana.

Pollination: No

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Custard Apple - African Pride (Grafted) 7/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5562 days 2hrs

Comments: -


Planted: 2000

First Fruited: 2002 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Small Bolwarra

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5577 days 13hrs

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Eupomatia bennettii

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Dwarf Nectarine - Sunset Backyard Beauty

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 14hrs

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Grape Pink Iona

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Palm - Date Medjool

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Pandanus - Native Screw Pine

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Guava - Strawberry

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 14hrs

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Sorrel - French

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Japanese Raisin

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Lemon Grass

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Comments: -


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Paw Paw yellow bisexual

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 14hrs

Planted: 2002

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Peanut Tree

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 14hrs

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Sterculia quadrifida

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Lilly Pilly - Riberry

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 14hrs

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Lilly Pilly - Coolamon

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 14hrs

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Midyim Berry

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Davidson Plum NSW

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 14hrs

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Blue Quandong

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 14hrs

Comments: -

Elaeocarpus grandis

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Wombat Berrry

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 14hrs

Comments: -

Eustrephus latifolius

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Native Yam

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Comments: -

Dioscorea transversa

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Banana Bush

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Comments: -

Tabernaemontana pandacaqui

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Fig - Small Leaf

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Small Leaf Tamarind

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Blue flax-lily

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Cordyline - Broad leaved palm lily

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Red olive berry

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Native Ginger

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Comments: -

Alpinia caerulea & red form (native to Nth Qld)

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Black Plum

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Comments: -

Black Plum- Diospyros australia

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Lilly Pilly - Blue (Seedling) 5/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5578 days 15hrs

Pollination: Self Pollination

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Pepino - Kendall Gold

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5646 days 19hrs

Pollination: Cross Pollination

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Bush Lemon Tree

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 10hrs

Pollination: Cross Pollination

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Brown Kurrajong 10/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Native to Hogarth Range. Excellent reforestation pioneer tree.  Hardy, Fast growing and fruits within 3yrs, therefore attracting birds who then extend forest edges.

Height 8 metres

Pollination: Self Pollination

Pest Control:


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Fig - Sandpaper

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Native to Hogarth Range.  Excellent riparian, Wildlife attractant and Bushfood tree.  Fruits are sweet and moist (when you get a good one).  Tolerates moderate frosts but requires moist soils.  A small native fig approx 8m.  On mature trees the fruits develop on the main trunk in their hundreds.

Fruiting Months December

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 14hrs

Comments: -

Native to Hogarth Range.  Photo taken 2008

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Eucalyptus - Spotted Gum

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 14hrs

Comments: -

Native to Hogarth Range.  Photo taken 2008

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Fig - Rusty

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 15hrs

Comments: -

Native to area.  Bushfire hit tree 1993.  Photo taken 2008

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Peach - Okinawa (Seedling) 8/10

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5668 days 12hrs

Comments: -

Fersatile tree - very hardy, produces abundance of fruit every year,fruits late in season and ornamental when in flower.  Fruit is white fleshed and good tasting.  Tree is under hailnet

Fruiting Months January and February

Planted: 1997

Height 3 metres

Qty: 3

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Pest Control:

no pests so far

Organic Status:Organic

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Guava - Indian (Seedling)

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5668 days 13hrs

Fruiting Months April and May

Planted: 2001

Height 2 metres

Pollination: No

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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Natal Plum

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 14hrs

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feijoa seedling

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 14hrs

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White Sapote - Seedling

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 14hrs

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White Sapote - Lemon Gold

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 14hrs

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Loquat - Seedling

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 14hrs

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Loquat - Bessell Brown

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 14hrs

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Lime - Kaffir

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 14hrs

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Bush Lemon Tree

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Mango - R2E2

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Kauri Pine Qld

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Lemon Myrtle

Carla1's Edible Fruits
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Mulberry, black

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 14hrs

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Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 15hrs

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Cherimoya - Seedling

Carla1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5673 days 15hrs

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