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Fruitist's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Brisbane south

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Fruitist Forum Contributions
Star apple - When I said "very very rare" I meant the green skinned white pulp variety. Are you guys saying you have this variety instead of the purple skinned purplish pulp one?..5919 days 1hrs
Tropical fruit tree - I think Don Gray of Mossman has not been into tropical fruits since the death of his wife a few years ago...5973 days 18hrs
Duriun trees have you seen any - Marang as the latin name suggests does smell strongly. The best species is Keledang (A. lanceifolius), it has a superior flavour, firmer flesh and slightly larger segments than Marang. Another 2 positives over Marang or even Pedalai are it has no smell..5973 days 18hrs
Duriun trees have you seen any - The picture posted by Marcello shows a jackfruit tree with jackfruits. it is NOT a durian tree...5973 days 19hrs
Black sapote - Black Sapote - You have to let it goes fully soft (ripe) otherwise slightly soft (ripe) fruit will sting your tongue and throat for a few hours. They can go fully soft even after picking. They may be poisonous if not fully ripe. In Phillipines, they us..5973 days 19hrs

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