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Banana Suckers (forum)

13 responses

Brendan starts with ...
Hi Mike, trikus, SG and all,
Just wondering if you watched Luke Nguyen's cooking show on sbs 3 weeks ago? I don't know where he was, but they were selling banana suckers, top removed, for eating!
They cut the sucker into slices about 10 to 12mm thick, cut them in half across the diameter, and stir-fry them with heaps of other stuff. Never seen that before :-)

BTW, I've experimented with planting suckers, some with the top removed & some planted as is. See by the pics, the one with the top cut off at planting time is growing better! :-)
Pic 1 had the leaves/top removed, pic 2 did not.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 7th April 2012 9:26am

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Original Post was last edited: 7th April 2012 9:28am

About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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snottiegobble says...
Brendan, when are you going to try the banana sucker stirfry for yourself! I have tried suckers in pots with straight potting mix. They always look good for a week then deteriorate. I will try cutting the tops off next time, Thanks for the tip!

Time: 7th April 2012 7:52pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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Mike says...
Brendan I have heard of it before but never seen or tried it.I imagine there would be similarity to banana bells which are commonly consumed as a vegie.Interestingly cavendish are considered one of the least desirable for banana leaf and bells and I wonder if this is the case with sucker shoots also.

Time: 7th April 2012 9:39pm

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About the Author Mike25
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Thao says...
Hi Brendan,

In Vietnam, we use banana suckers for salad as well. We cut them into slices, mix with basil, Vietnamese mint, coriander, prawn and "nuoc cham" (fish sauce, lime juice, sugar and chilli). So yummy!!!

Time: 7th April 2012 10:16pm

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About the Author Thao
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Brendan says...
Hi SG, Mike & Thao,
Funny thing SG, I've just 'killed' about 30 good banana suckers. Yeah, I'll be trying some real soon! Thao's recipe :-)

Yes Mike, I've heard that too, cavendish/williams suckers & bells don't taste as good as the other varieties, wonder why?

Thanks for the recipe Thao. For some strange reason, I've become allergic to prawns!, this only happened about 3 years ago. Damn that, I used to love prawns! Might use pork or chicken instead :-)

Time: 8th April 2012 9:00am

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Original Post was last edited: 8th April 2012 9:01am

About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
#UserID: 1947
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nswbananas says...
HI brendan what banana varieties do you have growing?

Time: 8th April 2012 8:12pm

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About the Author NSW Bananas1
South Coast NSW
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Brendan says...
Hi nswbananas, we're only allowed to have certain types here, I've got lady finger, sugar, and some other sort of giant bananas, which haven't beared yet, and my brother can't remember the name of them :-(
The sugar bananas in the pic had over 150 bananas on!

Bananas up here are tightly regulated.

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 9th April 2012 8:54am

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Original Post was last edited: 9th April 2012 9:06am

About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
#UserID: 1947
Posts: 1722
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NSW Bananas says...
Cool What variety are the ones in the pic?
And Here on The lower South coast of NSW there is very little regulation if any on bananas.
The Giant Bananas you have are they a desert or Cooking Banana do you know?

Time: 10th April 2012 4:59pm

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About the Author NSW Bananas1
Far south coast NSW
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NSW Bananas says...
Also I am aware of Bluesky backyard bananas I have had a couple of orders from them.

Time: 10th April 2012 5:01pm

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About the Author NSW Bananas1
Far south coast NSW
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John Mc says...
That's an amazing bunch Brendan, you're obviously doing something right.

Time: 10th April 2012 5:14pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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Brendan says...
Hi NSW Bananas, the bananas in the pic are sugar bananas. They also have a different (proper) name, but I can't remember :-(

John Mc, it's easy to grow good bananas, just over-feed them! They are gross feeders :-) Mine get Super Growth organic fertilizer every two months, along with too much cow manure, extra phosphorus & potassium, then cover all that with too much mulch. Give that a good drink and sit back :-)

Time: 11th April 2012 7:16am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
#UserID: 1947
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John Mc says...
Yes I might up the additives a notch but there's one ingredient I can never add. It's early April and we're already into single digit figures overnight. Global warming is going backwards.

Time: 11th April 2012 8:19am

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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snottiegobble says...
Hell John Mc, we may have one up on you there re. minimum temps. Nothing under 13c to date & average 26c during the day. We are roughly level with Parkes at 33.15 degrees latitude. What would you say you are in latitude?

Time: 12th April 2012 1:01am

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About the Author snottiegobble
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Brendan says...
Hi All, don't forget to watch SBS this thur 19th @ 7.30pm. Luke Nguyen is doing a 'banana sucker' stir-fry! Should be good.

Time: 16th April 2012 7:40am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
#UserID: 1947
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