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Blueberry brown leaves and holes

    1 responses

Branko starts with ...
Hi guys,

Have 2 blueberry bushes (one is the burst and the other is the kisses type). One of them Has brown sections on leaves and holes in them as per photos., and the other hasnt (i cant recall which is which 😄). I live in Wollongong. Please advise possible root causes and fix. The last 2 photos are the relatively problem free berry, approx 1 metre away.
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About the Author
13th March 2022 9:21am
#UserID: 26773
Posts: 2
View All Branko's Edible Fruit Trees
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Jadelink says...
Leaf burn could be sunburn or fertiliser burn (if you overdid the fertiliser). The former is nothing to worry about at this time of year, most of the hard sun has passed.

The holes are likely slugs or snails, certainly something is eating it, and catterpillars tend to either go from the edge or leave ribs. Put down some pellets, most of them break down fast and leave no harmful residue, plenty can be had that won't even effect your organic grower status.

You don't even need to do that, with such light damage, but with this wet year slugs and snails are getting a bit out of control where the dry would normally keep them in check, so it might be worth it.
About the Author
24th March 2022 1:54pm
#UserID: 21856
Posts: 19
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