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Loquat advice for a blackthumb

    4 responses

Blackthumb1 starts with ...
Hi everyone,
I am a terrible gardener and absolutely love loquats. I have just bought a loquat seedling and was hoping for some advice.
I am going to espalier the Loquat and was wondering whether I put it in the ground as soon as I get it or should I wait a while, and if so how long should I wait? I have also read that they are drought resistant so how often should I water it?
Any advice to help me keep my seedling alive would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks so much.
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15th October 2019 8:45pm
#UserID: 21040
Posts: 5
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chookie2 says...
I have two large loquats that do not require watering and lots of seedlings in pots that do.I doubt the brittle nature of branches will allow you to espalier them though.Once in the ground it will grow very fast -they tend to sit in pots but grow away in the ground.Normal watering for first few year s will ensure a good crop of fruit but once it reaches 2 metres it can fend for itself pretty well.I have a seedling under the eaves that has never been watered and it reached three metres in two years....unfortunately it has to go as it is too close to foundations.We do have reasonable rainfall here in SW Vic so that too has an effect. My other big trees are well away from the house so not a problem.Loquats can be pruned into shrubs or lifted high as shade trees with judicious pruning.
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S.W. Vic
16th October 2019 11:40am
#UserID: 15056
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People who Like this Answer: Blackthumb1
Blackthumb1 says...
Hi Chookie,

Thanks for the advice! I was debating whether to transfer the seedling into a pot for a year and then plant it into the ground just off the fence and try and espalier it and prune it so it doesn't get too tall.
Do you think it would be better to put it into the ground after 4 weeks? I'm in Cairns so it is pretty hot and humid...
Thanks so much for the advice 😊
About the Author
18th October 2019 9:51am
#UserID: 21040
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chookie2 says...
I would put it straight in the ground and just watch it take off in Cairns. They can grow very big so judicious pruning either to keep pickable / shrubby or as a tall shade tree by lopping lower branches off.No matter whiich there will be more pruning later as it grows larger...be aware bats like them too.

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S.W. Vic
18th October 2019 4:08pm
#UserID: 15056
Posts: 93
View All SueBee's Edible Fruit Trees
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People who Like this Answer: Blackthumb1
Blackthumb1 says...
Hi Chookie,
Do you reckon that I ahould plant the seedling now or is there a specific time of year to plant them in the ground?
The loquat seems to be growing pretty well in the pot at the moment so I wasn't sure....
Any advise would be great!!!

About the Author
27th November 2019 10:45am
#UserID: 21040
Posts: 5
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