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Small Garden - fruit recomendations

    4 responses

Caroline Smith starts with ...
I am rather new to Australia so not so sure of which fruit grow well here in Sydney - I have a small front garden so would like them to work hard and be fun for the children... any ideas for good varieties of:-
Peach, Avocado, pear, apple, mango? Thanks
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Caroline Smith
9th July 2007 10:39am
#UserID: 157
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Paul says...
Dwarf Peach

Reed Avocado (keep it pruned to 3 meters, even 2 if your tight for space)

Irwin Mango (same story, cut it back to desired height)

Apples ....
Dwarf Pink Lady and Dwarf Granny Smith

check out the dwarf section


if you want to plant them in the ground

work out your spacing and how many trees will fit in the backyard

loosen your soil and start getting biological activity (using manures, compost, fish and kelp mixes and lots of mulch)

so when you plant your beautiful trees they feel right at home !

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9th July 2007 5:47pm
#UserID: 158
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Leona says...
Peach - Swan Valley Red (dwarf) or Pixzee peach (dwarf), Avocado - Wurtz (dwarf), pear - go for a multigraft, apple - either Ballerinas (narrow, columnar type trees or dwarf varietys such as Pinkabelle), mango - a dwarf graft (such as a dwarf Palmer etc....also, cherry guavas,feijoas, nagami cumquats, mandarins, passionfruit, strawberries, blueberries, brazilian cherry, cape gooseberries, pepinos and other small shrubs/trees could be possible options...even plant them in pots ;)
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18th September 2007 11:41pm
#UserID: 315
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DellDGM says...
I have just done up my front garden as a veggie patch and orchard - it is only about 10 x 8 in size and I have managed to put in 15 fruit trees and 6 large vegie patches. Talk to your nursery man - Daleys was very good for information as was my local - but they can give you info on things like my 2 pears could be planted as close as 30 cm apart and I got some Ballerina apples that grow like a column so they to can go close together and alternating between things that fruit in winter and summer so that you can put them closer together because they are not fruiting at the same time - Check out my blog to see all the things I managed to get into a small area - that may give you some ideas.


Fruit trees in pots work well cause you can move them around inbetween other in ground fruit trees depending on whats fruiting and the amount of light they are letting through at different times of year.

There is probably not much you couldn't have a go at growing in sydney - have a look at your Fruit and veg store decided what you like to eat and try the nurseries - Daleys have a lot of trees out side the standard normals for that something different. Hope this wasn't to long and that it helps
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19th September 2007 6:51pm
#UserID: 129
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Rev says...
cape gooseberry
strawberry guava
lotsa lemons
marumi cumquat

all good small and productive
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19th November 2007 1:22am
#UserID: 441
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