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Sylvia4's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Wyong Central Coast

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Sylvia4 Forum Contributions
Maqui berry - hi JOHN, great forum... I have a very small backyard already crowded with palm trees and currently growing maqui berry in a pot. Have anyone applied coffee grounds to the soil around this berry and what is the effect? ..4944 days 18hrs
Maqui berry - hi JOHN, great forum... I have a very small backyard already crowded with palm trees and currently growing maqui berry in a pot. Have anyone applied coffee grounds to the soil around this berry and what is the effect? ..4944 days 18hrs
Maqui berry - Hi john, just wondering what can be the influence of coffee to the maqui berry growth,or anyone tried? i'm growing a small tree in a pot at the moment. ..4944 days 18hrs
Maqui berry - Hi john and everyone... i'm in wyong, central coast, ... can someone tell me if coffee is going to help the maqui berry to grow better,i'm growing it in a pot for now? ..4944 days 19hrs

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