Pictorial Label for Dwarf Storeys Apricot

(1/2) Pictorial Label for Dwarf Storeys Apricot By JFT Nurseries [All Rights Reserved, Supplier of DaleysFruit.com.au] (Photo Credits)

Dwarf Apricot - Storeys (Early Moorpark) For Sale (Large)

(2/2) Dwarf Apricot - Storeys (Early Moorpark) For Sale (Large)


Dwarf Apricot - Storeys (Early Moorpark)

Prunus armeniaca
Fruit Trees > Dwarf Fruit Trees > True Dwarf Plants > Dwarf Apricot - Storeys (Early Moorpark)
Large, rich golden fruit with some red blush. Flesh is deep yellow and firm. Good flavour, excellent for jam, preserving and drying. This apricot is a 'Moorpark' strain, but matures about three weeks earlier.

$59.00 ($59.00-$64.00 choose a size)

event_busy When will it be in Stock?

We previously had the most to buy in Oct and Mar. With limited quantities for sale in other months. They are unlikely to be available in Jan and Feb. Special Note: This plant is in the top 25% of plants customers are wanting to know about. It is very unlikely that you will be able to purchase this plant unless you click above to be notified when it is in stock again. Please expect a delay on this item as we notify those who have waited the longest .

Specifications of Dwarf Apricot - Storeys (Early Moorpark)

Preferred Climate Warm Temperate, Cool TemperateLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From GraftedLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 1-2m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Yes

Amount of leaves in Winter? No Leaves (Deciduous)

Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA

Suitability in Pots Yes

Water Requirements Moderate Watering

Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Dwarf (1/2 Normal Size)

Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years

Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)

Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage

Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)

Fruiting/Harvest Months January, February, December

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