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avocado tree failing

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Elizabeth44 starts with ...
My beloved Hass avocado tree is about 35 years old & has been very productive. It is in a full sun protected position in our chook yard, is about 10 metres high.
In the last month or so it has lost a lot of leaves, the remainder are mostly droopy. It is absolutely covered in blossom so I'm fearing it is having its last hurrah. There has been no root disturbance, extra feeding & I haven't watered it since it was very small. However I have recently starting some watering as I thought we have had a long dry spell.
About 5 years ago an arborist pruned it about 1/3 to try to bring new branches within picking range.
What can I do? Has the tree just outlived its lifespan. Liz
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26th September 2018 6:12pm
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Danny333 says...
Hi Elizabeth44,

It’s normal for avocados to drop most of their leaves this time of year during flowering. The new flush of leaves will come through when the flowers are nearly finished.

Do you have any pictures of your tree and it’s remaining leaves? It will be easier to identify any other underlying problems.
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30th September 2018 2:11am
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David01 says...
Hi Danny333,

Your Lamb Hass looks awesome. Mine only 2m tall. Hope some fruits set after flowering finished. Cheers
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1st October 2018 9:27am
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Danny333 says...
Hi David01,

My tree is covered in dozens of small fruit around pea size. Hopefully a decent amount of them will hold to maturity. The new leaves are just starting to push through now.

I’ve been very impressed with the performance of Lamb Hass so far, it appears to be a very strong tree. It’s a lot stronger than the three Wurtz trees I’ve had in the past ( now mulch for the other trees ) and is much less susceptible to sunburn.

I have no B type avocados nearby so the Lamb Hass sets fruit well on its own.
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3rd October 2018 1:12am
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David01 says...
Hi Danny333,

Congratulations. Mine is still waiting for the weather gets warmer to set fruits perhaps in November as the optimum temp to set fruit for Avocado is around 20-25C. Attached the flowers from Lamb Hass. Cheers
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4th October 2018 8:24am
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Original Post was last edited: 4th October 2018 8:28am
Danny333 says...
Hi David01,

Hopefully you get some warmer weather soon and get a good fruit set too.
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6th October 2018 2:40am
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Original Post was last edited: 6th October 2018 2:41am
Luke :) says...
My Lamb Hass shows B type flowering traits like my Fuerte.
Does yours?

Nice looking fruit set too, gives me hope for mine, now in its second year.
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Luke :)
7th October 2018 9:59pm
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Original Post was last edited: 7th October 2018 10:00pm
Danny333 says...
G’day Luke,

My Lamb Hass is definitely type “A”. Are you sure your tree is a Lamb Hass?

My tree is 2 years old and this year I’m letting it hold fruit. The fruit set has been far superior to the Wurtz trees I’ve had in the past.

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Picture: 2
About the Author
10th October 2018 1:30am
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Luke :) says...
Interesting Danny, well I did buy my Lamb Hass from Daleys so im sure it is, and it does show some dwarfing tendencies compared with my Secondo and Fuerte.
Also another trait i noticed the Lamb Hass has; is that it flowers abundantly and the flowers hold on longer than fuerte or Secondo.

Iv'e noticed other ppl over the internet express the same information with regardes to Lamb Hass's flowering schedule.

So yeah I am confused some say A and some say B.
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Luke :)
21st October 2018 12:42am
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Danny333 says...
Hi Luke,

What state are you in? Maybe the the local climate is messing with the flowering times? I’ve heard that can happen if there is cooler weather during flowering.
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22nd October 2018 3:38am
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Elizabeth44 says...
Thank you fr the replies.I had an arborist look at my avocado tree. We gave it a few very deep waterings & 2 doses of Seasol & the tree looks a million dollars. It is again covered in lush green foliage but will not fruit this winter. It was decided that the drought conditions were the culprit.
This is the first time I have had to think about water for it for at least 30 years.
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8th May 2019 2:28pm
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