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Can you purchase olosapo seeds/tree in Australia

    11 responses

Rich13 starts with ...
I was wondering if anyone knows where a person can get hold of olosapo seeds/tree in Australia, or if anyone is willing to share their seed or seedlings with me :)

Any information would be much appreciated.

Thank you
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31st March 2017 1:36pm
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Lissa says...
Interesting. Curious to see if anyone is growing these.

Best I can find is this old post: http://rfcarchives.org.au/Next/Fruits/Olosapo/Olosapo11-93.htm

Perhaps a contact with the Rare Fruits Council might come up with something.
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5th April 2017 7:43pm
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Original Post was last edited: 5th April 2017 7:47pm
Rich13 says...
Hi Lissa, I will keep that in mind if I can not find any other information.
Thank you for your help
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7th April 2017 12:30pm
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Linton says...
To answer your question, yes there are Olosapos being grown here but I'm pretty sure that there is nowhere in Australia that you can buy the seeds or trees.

Someone in Queensland gave me a few seeds late last year and I was told that there are people up north growing them privately.

Those seeds have now grown into the small plants pictured - see My Edibles page also. I am yet to ascertain how well they will do here in Melbourne over Winter.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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8th April 2017 1:06pm
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People who Like this Answer: Lissa
Rich13 says...
Hi Linton,

WOW, you are so lucky. Do you think that the someone in Queensland would be willing to part with more seeds?

Please let me know :)
Thank you

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9th April 2017 3:03pm
#UserID: 15847
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ziad says...
Egg Fruit .
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17th January 2018 1:01am
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Original Post was last edited: 18th January 2018 4:32pm
David says...
Hi, Since the pictures from Linton in Victoria has anyone been able to track down Olosapo seeds or seedlings for sale.Thanks David.
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26th August 2018 5:46pm
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Cal says...
Hi David, did you end up having any success in finding Olosapo seeds/seedlings?
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3rd April 2019 2:34pm
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David says...
Hi Cal, Thanks for the reminder. No never had any luck.I think that whoever has any of this plant or indeed if it even exists in Australia is holding onto them.Sometimes sourcing from the north can be very difficult. Have you had success yet.If so please let me know.Thanks David.
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4th April 2019 2:39pm
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People who Like this Answer: ivepeters

People who Like this Question Carl76
Cal says...
Hi David, unfortunately not. The closest I have got is finding Cape Trib farm grows the fruit but I don't believe they send out the fruit or seed.
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9th April 2019 4:44pm
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People who Like this Question Micha
Micha says...

there is a seller (naretmx) on ebay from Mexico who currently sells Olosapo seeds https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2 www.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F133140953433).

Good luck from Spain.
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13th August 2019 8:24pm
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People who Like this Answer: Micha
David says...
Linton any chance of an update on the Olosapo seedlings. Hope they survived for you.
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28th August 2019 7:18pm
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