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Dragonfruit flowering but not setting fruit

    7 responses

kaiser soze starts with ...
Hi All

Hoping someone might be able to help me with my dragon fruit issue the plant is 5 years old red flesh variety I am told first time this year it has flowered I missed the first 4 flowers they went yellow and fell off but I got the second lot and hand pollinated them at night and in the morning plus there was heaps of bees but looks as though the same is going to happen thoughts?
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kaiser soze
14th April 2019 1:17pm
#UserID: 16437
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Rannman75 says...
Probably a self sterile variety. Did you use pollen from a completely different variety, as that is the only surefire way to get good fruit set. Unless you have a self pollinating type.
Flowers generally turn yellow and fall off if they’re not pollinated. Bees will only be helpful if there is a different variety close by that is also flowering at the same time as yours.
Hope this helps.
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15th April 2019 2:27pm
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People who Like this Answer: ivepeters
kaiser soze says...
Yes it helps thanks I have 3 plants grown from cuttings off the original plant sounds like I need to grow different varieties and hope they flower at the same time oh well time to start over again.
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kaiser soze
20th April 2019 2:21pm
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Rannman75 says...
If the 3 plants that you have growing at the moment are all from the same parent plant, the best thing you scan do is get rid of 2 of them and replace them with a different variety of dragonfruit. Or if you have enough area, plant a couple of different types.
If you have different varieties flowering at different times, you can store pollen in an airtight container for use later on when other flowers appear, but make sure you store it in the fridge.
A couple of excellent varieties you should look at are, Columbian Supreme or Sugar Dragon. If you like white flesh varieties, go for Vietnamese White. These varieties are available from Daley’s and will set fruit on their on, without any help.
I would seriously recommend the Sugar Dragon 👍👍👍👍
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20th April 2019 7:29pm
#UserID: 9188
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johnfrazier1 says...
All dragon fruit benefit from cross pollination. No one variety should ever be planted out by itself on one tellis. Two is the minimum.

Hand pollination will increase fruit set and size. Buy another variety-- Colombian red if you can get it, and plant this out next to the one you have. https://ggstreetview.com
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Enter Postcode First,48430,
23rd October 2019 1:25pm
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Original Post was last edited: 24th October 2019 2:02pm
kaiser soze says...
Cheers John for the reply yep I am onto it this time got 8 different varieties and left the old one to do whatever it wants. I will keep an eye out for the Colombian Red.
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kaiser soze
27th October 2019 10:40pm
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Potty Bob 1 says...
I have Panama red ( probably the same as Columbian red) big red tasty fruit , 35-40 fruit from my maintained plant 10-15 from chook pen uncared for plants ,all self pollinating , every flower fruits.
My yellow pitaya took years to flower in comparison ,lost all flowers/fruit first year , 5 fruit second year ,12 fruit third year , 18 this year .
Ants are friendly pollinators with my Dragonfuit .
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Potty Bob 1
4th November 2019 6:03pm
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Rannman75 says...
Columbian Supreme,Frankie’s Red, Vietnamese White, Yellow Megalanthus and Sugar Dragon will all set fruit on their own. Other varieties might, given the right conditions 🤞🤞, but it’s never a certain thing. If you only have room for one variety, pick one of the above. Or better still, grow two on the one post.

I haven’t found that cross pollination improves fruit set or fruit size, on the above varieties.
About the Author
4th November 2019 8:35pm
#UserID: 9188
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