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lemon tree losing leaves no flowers

    2 responses

MarkWhite starts with ...
Hi guys - tree is losing leaves and hasn't shown any flowers since buying. Remaining leaves look green - used eco oil as I think leafminer had taken hold - and laid some dynamic lifter a month ago. Water once a week with Seasol. Am I doing it right/wrong? First pic from October, other two from today. Live northern beaches Sydney. Thanks!!
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3
About the Author
Avalon Beach
13th July 2018 12:51pm
#UserID: 17443
Posts: 6
View All MarkWhite's Edible Fruit Trees
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Fruitylicious1 says...
Hi Mark

Looks like your lemon tree is not receiving adequate sunlight because of the surrounding structures and large trees in the background. Citrus trees needs at least minimum 6 hours of sun to be more robust and productive, less than that, they tend to be lanky and less productive.
So, position your citrus to the sunniest spot that you can find suitable. Seasol and dyna lifter is good for them.

Your citrus is still young so don't expect it to bear fruits so soon. Most of the early blossoms if any will fade away. Once your citrus is more mature it will surely bear fruits provided it is well taken care of.

Happy gardening :-)
About the Author
13th July 2018 6:45pm
#UserID: 16885
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Pademelon1 says...
Hi Mark,

Kind of a curious case you have - usually dropping leaves is accompanied by some other symptoms, but as far as I can see from the pictures there's no problem on that front. The only thing I can think of is the watering - once a week with is good, but in that small, black pot, if the sun is reaching, could dry out very fast - though it looks somewhat shaded in the picture. To get a better idea of whether it is moisture stress or something else, try poking a centimetre or two below the surface before you would usually water - if bone dry that is a possible explanation, otherwise i've no idea, there's so many things that can go wrong with lemons.

Good luck!
About the Author
13th July 2018 10:11pm
#UserID: 11938
Posts: 138
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