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Lemon trees

    2 responses

Kiely starts with ...
I bought a lemon tree from Daleys about 5 years ago now. It is looking healthy and is growing but as yet we have no lemons! What should I do? It can't be the soil as our neighbours have a tree about 3 feet away from ours and they get lots of lemons!
About the Author
5th October 2011 2:18am
#UserID: 5924
Posts: 1
View All Kiely's Edible Fruit Trees
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au0rey says...
At least yours have survived 5 years. I bought one from daleys but it died in the first year. :(

But I remembered it did have one or two flowers before it died. Have your tried applying potash? It helps with flowering.
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5th October 2011 8:28am
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MaryT says...
Your neighbours' tree being 3 feet away is a clue - they are too close together and if theirs is more advanced of course yours won't have a chance - why not move it where there's more room? Or just pick their lemons. LOL All my fruit trees from Daleys are thriving and fruiting.
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About the Author
6th October 2011 11:32am
#UserID: 5412
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