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Plant ID.

    3 responses

Julie starts with ...
I ate some fruit and planted the seeds.
Seeds didnot grow so I recycled the soil. Could this be a Mangosteen ?????
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About the Author
18th February 2008 4:51pm
#UserID: 694
Posts: 2
View All OtherWines1's Edible Fruit Trees

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Kath says...
It's a fig of the strangling variety. A big fig, they make beautiful pot plants, bonsai's but if you plant it in the ground make sure you have plenty of space, best planted more than 50m from buildings, roads, etc.
About the Author
19th February 2008 2:56pm
#UserID: 2
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View All Kath's Edible Fruit Trees

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Julie says...
Kath of Cawongla, thankyou for your input. How would I have got these seeds.
We live 40km from town I make my own potting mix. The leaves on this plant are very large 30cm x 10cm plus some.
Prefers shelter from sun & wind.
Cheers Julie
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About the Author
22nd February 2008 10:35am
#UserID: 694
Posts: 2
View All OtherWines1's Edible Fruit Trees

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Scott G says...
Perhaps your soil was seeded from bird or bat droppings?
About the Author
Scott G
The Gold Coast
22nd February 2008 7:37pm
#UserID: 44
Posts: 117
View All Scott G's Edible Fruit Trees

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