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What’s eating my avocado’s?

    1 responses

Beaudene1 starts with ...
Something is eating my avocado’s any help and ideas on what it could be would be great, thanks
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About the Author
16th November 2022 11:26am
#UserID: 16527
Posts: 9
View All Beaudene1's Edible Fruit Trees
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Aus1788 says...
https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Damage-caused-by-pests-affecting-fruit-in-Hass-avocado-A-mites-principally-associated_fig1_338077470 looks like N on this chart
About the Author
16th November 2022 6:47pm
#UserID: 25327
Posts: 5
View All Aus1788's Edible Fruit Trees
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