Peach - Tropic Beauty

$49.00 ($49.00-$54.00 choose a size)

Yellow fleshed variety needing only 150 hours chill. A semi-clingstone peach with round, large size and very good skin colour. Very firm with excellent flavour. One of the best Subtropical peach selections.

Peach - Flordaprince


Yellow-fleshed variety requiring only 150 hours chill. A medium sized round fruit with a firm skin and good blush. Semi-clingstone. Earliest fruiting peach, popular low chill variety

Babaco Cutting

$49.00 ($29.00-$79.00 choose a size)

An attractive torpedo shaped fruit with effervescent flesh. The texture of the golden fruit is light and refreshing. The slightly acid flavour has a hint of strawberry, pineapple and pawpaw and can be made into a tasty thirst quenching drink.

Nectarine - White Satin


White, aromatic fleshed nectarine requiring 250 hours chill. Beautiful red skin and excellent quality fruit. Prune after fruiting in summer to encourage fruiting wood for next season. Thin fruit for good fruit size. One of the best tasting nectarines in the subtropics. It produces an early crop and is very sweet and juicy.

Dwarf Mulberry - Black

$34.00 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

This mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Pruning after fruiting allows it to be kept under 3mtrs, and also encourages multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. A benefit of a mulberry tree is that the fruit ripens over an extended period of time unlike other fruit that often ripens all at once. The fruits of the black mulberry, considered the tastiest and most versatile of the mulberries are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit of the dwarf black mulberry is the same as that on the large black mulberry that we all know and love. The fruit is large, resembling a blackberry, sweet and luscious. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video )This variety performs excellent in the Subtropics. There has been feedback that this variety doesn't perform as well in Temperate Climates.
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