Plum 2 Way - Flavour Supreme/Mariposa Better2Gether


Better2Gether (TM). Pluot x Plum. Mariposa - Mid-season. A popular blood plum with large, heart shaped fruit. Excellent sweet flavour and very dark red, juicy flesh. Sweeter, larger and softer than 'Satsuma'. Used for fresh fruit, juice, jam and stewing. Suitable for small to medium gardens. Flavor Supreme - Mid-season. Pluot Flavour Supreme interspecific plum (meaning plum/apricot hybrid) is one of a new generation of traditionally bred plums with a bright, very sweet flavour. Flesh is pinkish-red and as fruit matures deepens to a darker red.

Nectarine - White Satin


White, aromatic fleshed nectarine requiring 250 hours chill. Beautiful red skin and excellent quality fruit. Prune after fruiting in summer to encourage fruiting wood for next season. Thin fruit for good fruit size. One of the best tasting nectarines in the subtropics. It produces an early crop and is very sweet and juicy.

Medlar - Dutch


An old cultivar that produces large fruit to 6cm on a small, elegant, slightly weeping tree. The best variety for making jams and jellies, but also acceptable eaten fresh. Blooms in late spring with large flowers resembling single white roses. Fruit is eaten when soft, generally after a frost and has a mild flavour similar to a pear. Self - fertile.

Dwarf Avocado - Wurtz (A)

$59.00 ($59.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A small tree to about 4m popular for the back yard. A moderate cropper of medium sized rich, high quality fruit. Pear-shaped with dark green skin using Guatamalan rootstock. Aug - Oct Does best if grown with a B type pollinator.

Plum - Satsuma

$46.95 ($46.95-$59.00 choose a size)

Red to purple flesh with a freestone. The flavour is good, the growth vigorous and its bears particularly well, in fact to get large fruits it may require thinning. The firm, juicy flesh has a sweet spicy flavour. 350 - 400 hours chill. Bears November to early December.
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