Persimmon - Flat Seedless (A)

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A smooth textured, juicy fruit of excellent quality. Fruit is large flat shaped. One of the best Astringent varieties, has to be fully ripe to eat. Vigorous grower.

Pecan - Desirable (A) SP

$29.00 ($29.00-$39.00 choose a size)

A - SP - Proven variety that produces a large nut with a thick shell. The meaty kernel is of very good quality. Light producer in early years with good production by year 12 when it crops prolifically and consistently. Preferred variety for cooler areas of the subtropics or warm temperate zones
Special Offer: Buy 2+ @$29.00ea usually:$39.00ea

Cherry 2 way - Royal Rainier / Stella


Royal Rainier is a large yellow cherry with excellent flavour and holds well on the tree. Taste test winner. Suited to warmer temperate climates, where there isn't as much chill. Multigrafted with Stella for cross pollination. Stella - A large, sweet flavoured cherry, red to dark red in colour. Produces large crops in clusters. An excellent choice for the home orchard. Suitable for small to medium gardens.

Sapodilla - Sawo Manila

$99.00 ($99.00-$109.00 choose a size)

Selected cultivar from Philippines. Very sweet, medium size, elliptical with light brown skin. Sapodillas are highly prized in Asia with their sweet, brown-sugar cinnamon flavoured fruit that look like kiwi fruit. They have a slightly gritty texture like pears.

Carob - Clifford

$99.00 ($69.00-$119.00 choose a size)

This one of the two available self pollinating Hermaphrodite varieties, which makes it a must for all orchards. The medium size beans are of good quality with 50%+ sugar content. An early fruit bearer on young trees. Yields are excellent with irrigation. Trees prefer neutral to alkaline soil for best results. Supply of this plant is limited please ask to be notified of availability and we will do our best to propagate these and help you in the coming years.
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