Lychee - Salathiel

$79.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Tree has an open dome shape with excellent quality fruit. Well suited to subtropical conditions. Beautiful coloured fruit with very small seed. Needs protection from wind when young. Mid season

Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A low chill, deliciously sweet and crunchy apple. Bears two weeks before Anna. On a semi dwarfing rootstock, ideal for backyard plantings and container specimens.

Loquat - Nagasakiwase

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

The best Japanese variety so far, it has deep orange flesh, high flesh/seed ratio and very sweet flavour. Earliest variety to ripen. Thinning fruit will enhance fruit size. The Nagasakiwase often has 2 crops a year in the subtropics. The first crop in April / May then again in August. We have found by cincturing in summer, the August crop has a much larger crop and better fruit size.

Nectarine - Sunraycer


Yellow-fleshed subtropical nectarine. Semi-clingstone with well shaped large sized fruit. Good skin colour and non-browning flesh. Good flavour and high resistance to bacterial spot.

Mango - Bowen Seedling

$27.00 ($17.75-$49.00 choose a size)

Most common variety grown with excellent quality fruit. Bowens are naturally polyembryonic hence are virtually true to type from seed. Cropping takes 3-4years, with identical fruit quality to grafted trees.
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