Mango - Nam doc mai

$69.00 ($54.00-$69.00 choose a size)

Thai-type mango with green-yellow skin, sweet, tender and juicy with an excellent flavour. Regular cropper in cooler climates.It is elongated and tapers to a long point. They contain little acid and are fibreless. Susceptible to Anthracnose, resistant to Black Spot. Size 375gms. It is esteemed by Asian cultures as a pickled fruit, or as one eaten green or ripe.

Dwarf Mango - Irwin

$64.00 ($64.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Dwarf tree, sweet mild flavour. Regular, moderate yield. Attractive red purple skin colour. Flesh Average wt. 380gms. Low resistance to Anthracnose and Black Spot. Mid season fruiting.

Sapodilla - Sawo Manila

$99.00 ($99.00-$109.00 choose a size)

Selected cultivar from Philippines. Very sweet, medium size, elliptical with light brown skin. Sapodillas are highly prized in Asia with their sweet, brown-sugar cinnamon flavoured fruit that look like kiwi fruit. They have a slightly gritty texture like pears.

Lychee - Salathiel

$79.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Tree has an open dome shape with excellent quality fruit. Well suited to subtropical conditions. Beautiful coloured fruit with very small seed. Needs protection from wind when young. Mid season

Neem tree - grafted


Often called the Wonder Tree, the neem has been used for centuries in Asia against insects and for some medicinal purposes. The natural insecticide azadirachtin can be extracted from the seeds of the neem tree. Grafting onto the White Cedar rootstock allows for a stronger root system in cooler regions and less problems with dieback in winter. Removal of any shoots from below the graft is essential maintenance to maintain your grafted neem. Weed warning: in Dry Tropics Neem tree regenerates easily and can be a weed problem. Not a problem in subtropical regions.
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