Lychee - Bosworth 3

$59.00 ($59.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Also known as Kwai Mai Pink, this variety will average 45 to the kg, is small seeded and very sweet. Will produce good crops every year, despite the climate or soil type from NSW to Cape York. Early season.

Apple 3 way - Gala, Pink Lady, Red Delicious


Multigraft trees are an alternative for small gardens where space is limited and several types of fruit are desired. Suitable cultivars for cross pollination have been grafted on to the one tree. Gala is early to mid-season. Red Delicious is mid-season. Pink Lady - Cripps Pink is late season.

Nashi 2 way - Nijisseiki / Shinsui


Nijisseiki Mid season maturity. A heavy bearing spreading variety. Medium sized round fruit of excellent eating quality with yellowish green clear skin and moderate sugar content. Shinsui Early season maturity. Russet-golden brown, excellent eating quality, crisp slightly gritty, high sugar and acid.

Longan - Chompoo


A Thai variety with large, high quality fruit with a faint pink tinge in the flesh. Relatively small seed. Longans are closely related to Lychees, and are highly regarded in Thailand. Generally hardier and quick growing than the lychee.

Dwarf Mango - Irwin

$64.00 ($64.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Dwarf tree, sweet mild flavour. Regular, moderate yield. Attractive red purple skin colour. Flesh Average wt. 380gms. Low resistance to Anthracnose and Black Spot. Mid season fruiting.
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