Dwarf Persimmon - Ichikikijiro (NA)

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Large flat fruit of excellent quality. Being a dwarf variety it is well suited to backyards but is also a good commercial variety. Mostly seedless fruit, Non astringent.

Dwarf Apple - Redlove

$89.00 ($74.00-$89.00 choose a size)

Stunning and unique red flesh are the highlight of this new variety of apple. It is a beautiful backyard tree to grow, producing an attractive flush of burgundy coloured spring growth, dark bark and deep red skin also make this a pretty tree. Blackspot and powdery mildew resistant it only grow to about 2.5m and is perfect for pots. Pollinators - Granny Smith, Pinkabelle and Pink Lady
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Spicezee - Nectarine x Plum


The first true Necta-Plum released by Zaiger hybrids. Very sweet, with a indescribably rich taste and aroma, fully ripe fruit is unparalleled in flavour. A nectarine cross plum with an excellent blend of flavour between the sweet nectarine and the tanginess of the plum. It is a gorgeous tree, with deep red leaves in the spring that gradually become a dark green by mid-summer. Relatively Low chill 300

Dwarf Apple - Cox Orange Pippin


Highly regarded due to its excellent flavour and attractive appearance. Medium sized, orange-red in colour deepening to bright red and mottled with carmine over a deep yellow background. The flesh is very aromatic, yellow-white, fine-grained, crisp and very juicy. When ripe apples are shaken, the seeds make a rattling sound as they are only loosely held in the apple flesh. Cox Orange Pippin may be eaten out of hand or brewed in cider.

Flowering Cherry - Sekiyama - Kanzan


Young leaves are coppery red in spring, turning green in the summer. Masses of bright, double pink blossoms smother the tree in the spring. Prefers moist, well drained soil and will flower best in a full sun position.
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