Avocado - Shepard (B)

$54.00 ($54.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A small to medium pear-shaped fruit with thick, green skin that peels easily. The fruit has an excellent flavour, medium oil content and does not turn brown when cut. H Feb/March The tree has a spreading habit and is a high yielding. It displays good resistance to frost and anthracnose.

Avocado - Hass (A)

$54.00 ($54.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Most popular variety due to both its superior taste and excellent keeping qualities. Medium sized, pear-shaped fruit has an excellent creamy, flesh. The leathery rough dark-purple skin turns to black when ripe. H Aug-Dec. Hass is an A type variety and for good fruit set a B type variety is needed for cross pollination. Suggested varieties to grow alongside a Hass are Shepard, Sharwill, Fuerte, Bacon (if you're in a cooler climate)and Linda. Happy fresh avocado smashing.

Persimmon - Twentieth Century (A)

$69.00 ($69.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A medium sized orange-red, Astringent variety, very sweet, keeps well. A rounded fruit with a point. Ripening during Autumn. Use nets to protect fruit from birds.

Feijoa - White Goose PBR


Large fruit with very sweet flavour and smooth soft juicy pulp. Upright and vigorous plant. Early season March/April This variety is subject to Plant Breeder Rights.

Finger Lime - Jali Red

$39.00 ($24.90-$99.00 choose a size)

One of the largest of the Finger limes 8-12cm long. Bright pinkish-red vesicles are held inside a dark brown to maroon coloured skin. Good flavour and a high yielding variety.
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