Large size planter bag for single plants or a mini garden

(1/1) Large size planter bag for single plants or a mini garden


Bonsai Bags 75 litre

75 litre woven planter bag - Ideal for economical establishment of above ground vegetable beds. Perfect for fruit tree establishment in areas of poor drainage, or fruiting plants with specific growing needs, like blueberries. The green colour keeps the ro... Read More
Other Names: 75L, Gro Bags, Grow Bags


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These plants are often purchased together. Also check plant information for suitability in your orchard.

Dwarf Kumquat Meiwa


A round brightly coloured sweet citrus fruit that can be eaten straight from the tree. Both the skin and the flesh are very sweet and low in seed. Semi dormant in winter lending it cold hardiness.Hybrid of Nagami and Marumi, to which it is most similar. A naturally small tree.

Dwarf Mandarin - Okitsu wase


Seedless, good flavour, low acid and high TSS. Satsumas are cold hardy and form a compact growing tree. They are the earliest mandarins in the marketplace. They can even be eaten when the skin is still green.

Bonsai Bags 35 litre

$4.90 ($4.90-$5.75 choose a size)

35 litre Woven planter bag - Ideal for growing on or to bonsai fruit trees. The green colour keeps the root system cool and being woven aeration is optimal for healthy roots. Dimensions are 360x350mm
Buy 4+ @$4.90ea usually:$5.75ea

Miracle Fruit

$24.90 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

Although not sweet itself this miraculous fruit, consumed fresh and allowed to coat the mouth alters your tastebuds so that everything you eat tastes sweet, lasting for an hour or two. It's extraordinary. The beauty of it is that it only removes the sourness 'acidity' from what you are eating, the natural aroma and taste remains. It has been used to sweeten bitter medicines. For success the plant prefers a pH as low as 4.5. A great companion for your blueberries. Requires a sheltered position free from frost and partial shade. Excellent unusual potted plant that can be moved into a sunny spot indoors during the cooler months, and indeed right through the year with adequate sun. Very slow growing and best to grow as a potted planted until at least 1 metre high Further Information: Rare Fruit Review
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$39.00 ($29.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A smooth, brilliant yellow fruit with sweet translucent flesh. It has delicious flavour reminiscent of creme caramel and a texture that is extremely smooth and luscious. The fruit is considered a delicacy for those who can grow it successfully, and it thrives in warm subtropical and tropical conditions.It is native to South America and can be found growing wild throughout much of Amazonia. In Brazil the pulp from the plant is used medicinally, to relieve coughs and bronchitis. Of course, most people love the fruit's flavour, which is enhanced when eaten slightly chilled. Cut in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon and enjoy. It can be used to flavour ice cream and make other desserts.

Dragon Fruit - Londonii

$29.00 ($17.75-$29.00 choose a size)

A self pollinating plant that produces the typical magenta fruit of this group of hybrid H. setaceus. Sweet and flavourful, with rich perfume taste finishing with a light citrusy tang. Compact and productive plant. Grow on upright trellis for best results
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