Spring Catalogue Ready in October to November

(1/2) Spring Catalogue Ready in October to November

YouTube: Spring 2022 means our Big Spring Catalogue Is ready to view. Order now for dispatch in Oct-Dec

(2/2) YouTube: Spring 2022 means our Big Spring Catalogue Is ready to view. Order now for dispatch in Oct-Dec




Order between August - September to be dispatched between October - Novemeber. When all your plants are ready your order is then sent by mail order. You can add both in-stock plants and plants part of this Spring Catalogue below. With the exception of Bare root Plants that must be sent ASAP. When ready you will be notified by email and sms at this time with a dispatch date.

Ready in Oct-Nov

Achacha - Grafted


Our local selection of the Achacha, grafted for earlier fruiting. Fruiting in our Biodome here in the Nursery. The fruit are tangy and refreshing with a delicate subtle sweetness, a fine balance between sweetness and acidity, producing an unusual taste sensation. Very moreish. Fruit should be picked mature, as it does not ripen further on storage. Originating from the Bolivian part of the Amazon basin in South America, the Bolivian name of the fruit is Achachairu and translated means honey kiss. Achacha is protected by Plant Breeders Right (PBR) and cannot be grown or propagated without licence agreement with Achacha Fruit Group

Jerusalem Artichoke

$18.75 ($14.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A Jerusalem artichoke is a white-fleshed root vegetable that is related to the Sunflower. The plant is upright, tall-growing with bristly woody stems, green pointed leaves, and golden-yellow flowers similar to the sunflower. The edible tubers are elongated, knobby, white, red or purple skinned. Several tubers are clustered at the base of each stem. The tubers can be eaten raw or cooked and the flavour improves if they are left in the ground until frosted. It is not related to the thistle-like globe artichoke, even though they taste rather similar. It is used in a popular creamy soup in France. Best planted in the spring or early summer for good tuber production. Appreciates well drained and friable soils. Raised garden beds can be useful where you have heavier soil types. Keep them well mulched and visit them regularly to enjoy their fine presence in your garden.

Dwarf Cider Apple - Kingston Black


Produces a bittersharp juice, one of the best flavoured juices when making cider. Partially self fertile. Plant with Fuji, Monty's surprise or Cripps Pink for cross pollination. Dark red skin with some russet. On dwarfing rootstock.
Special Offer: Buy 1+ @$39.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Myoga Ginger

$14.90 ($14.90-$19.90 choose a size)

a native of Japan where it is grown commercially for its delicious spring shoots and young flower buds produced in autumn. Myoga flower buds are used in soups, tempura, pickled and as a spice. Like most gingers it is an understory of forests and so grows best under some shade. It can get sunburned leaves which will reduce its vigor if grown in full sun. In winter the top growth dies back and it regenerates in spring from the underground rhizomes.
Special Offer: Buy 2+ @$14.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Dwarf Cider Apple - Improved Foxwhelp


An English Cider apple, pollinates with Yarlington Mill. Produces a bittersharp juice. Red skinned with a stripe.
Special Offer: Buy 1+ @$39.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Photinia Red Robin

$12.75 ($12.75-$17.75 choose a size)

Fast growing evergreen shrub, with a dense habit, that responds well to pruning. New foliage growth is brilliant red in colour, changing to bronze-green as the season progresses and maturing to be dark green. Showy white flowers appear in clusters to be followed by small berries. Ideal as a long lasting hedge, a focal point shrub/small tree, topiarised, or in pots on balconies and courtyards in courtyards.
Special Offer: Buy 4+ @$12.75ea usually:$17.75ea

Lemongrass - East Indian

$14.90 ($14.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Aromatic, tall, clump forming lemon scented grass, native to east India. It is a source of the essential oil for perfumery, culinary and medicinal purposes. It likes high rainfall and warm temperatures, and is not frost tolerant. It is more tropical than its cousin Cymbopogon citratus, with thicker, tougher leaves also. In agroforestry, it is well suited as a living mulch and can be cut regularly in the growing season. Vigorous, it can help contain running weeds from spreading when planted as a border. This plant does produce viable seed, so take care that this does not spread into native bushland or pasture

Banana - Lady Finger


The skin is thin and the flesh is very sweet. 12 - 20 fingers are borne in each hand with each bunch having 10-14 hands. Lady Fingers are best eaten fresh or used in desserts as they are much sweeter than Cavendish. This variety is showing some promise growing in cooler urban areas, like Sydney and Melbourne

Passionfruit - Panama Gold


A hybrid passionfruit that is vigorous and more tropical than the black. Fruit is yellow skinned, very large and very sweet pulp.

Banana - Goldfinger


Outstanding producer of delicious tasting bananas. Excellent disease resistance, high wind resistance and some cold tolerance make this a great choice for backyard and commercial growers. Cross between Cavendish and a Lady Finger. Protect from cold winds and frost. It is a good green eating banana and when ripe it also does not brown when cut. One of the quickest-to-fruit varieties from planting.



A small, perennial, evergreen with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. Native to the Mediterranean region. It has a long history of medicinal and culinary use, and in modern times as an ornamental garden plant. As a kitchen herb, sage has a slight peppery flavor.

Seed of Heaven


A tropical evergreen, clump-forming spice and fruit bearing giant ginger native to West Central Africa. Growing to 6m or more, the rhizomes are reddish-brown, 1.5 cm in diameter. The large, ridged bright red, fleshy fruit are produced at the base of the plant and contain a sweet edible pulp that is tangy and juicy. The seeds are used as a piquant spice, not unlike peppercorns. Grows best is a shaded position

Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm


The Butia or Jelly palm yields a host of edible and useful products. They have large stalks of golden fruit in clusters. The fruit is green before it ripens, then turns golden, sometimes having a reddish tinge when ready to eat. Soft, tasty flesh surrounds a hard seed that looks like a miniature coconut. Simply peel the flesh away and eat it, prepare a soft puree, or use Butia Palm fruit in jelly. The taste is delicious and starts out like apple and transforms into tropical like flavours similar to an apricot/banana mix. Although delicious when eaten fresh they are most often preserved due to their stringy fibrous flesh. Jelly palm fruits are picked as they ripen. If whole bunches are harvested, they tend to ripen all at once. They keep well under refrigeration for around a week. This South American palm is native to Brazil and is the hardiest feather-leafed palm in cultivation. The palm has beautiful blue-green leaves that are strongly curved making it instantly recognisable. It is an essential palm for the exotic garden and is also a wonderful indoor plant providing light is adequate. For best results fertilize the Palm in the spring, and in mid summer. The spent leaves should be cut to improve its appearance. A long living palm (over 20 years) it enjoys full sun or part shade and thrives in a sandy loam soil. Adequate moisture will greatly improve yields. It is salt, drought and cold tolerant so can be grown in a range of environments

Javanese Ginger

$19.75 ($19.75-$24.90 choose a size)

This species bears a striking similarity to Cape York Turmeric. It differs in that the flower bracts are a deeper pink/purple colour as is the dark strip that runs up the centre of the leaf. Often used medicinally, in Bali a delicious drink is made by cooking dried slices of rhizome in water with palm sugar.
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Parrot Tree


The common name of Parrot Tree derives from the large numbers of parrots attracted to the tree during its flowering season. Flowers appear in spring, are numerous, deep red, and filled with nectar, although exact flowering times vary from tree to tree. The name, Drunken Parrot Tree derives from the fact that the individual flowers contain so much nectar that it has a tendency to ferment before the birds can eat it all, resulting in a mild narcotic effect on the birds. A medium to large, spreading tree, growing up to 20 metres, but more commonly from 5 to 10 metres depending on conditions.

Tea Tree - Lemon Scented


A small tree with fine, green, lemon scented foliage used for teas and abundant white flowers in early summer, attracting Native and European bees. Excellent screen, windbreak and hedge, responds to pruning beautifully . Leaves and stems contain essential oils used in candle and soap making.

Leptospermum Burgundy Queen


Few drought resistant shrubs can rival the color of 'Burgundy Queen.' Everything about it is majestic and burgundy. Its fully double flowers are intense dark burgundy and profuse, and the fine foliage of this large shrub is also burgundy flushed. It originates from New Zealand where it grows in a wide range of areas from peaty bogs to coastal and mountain regions. It is surprisingly adaptable, especially to arid sites and soils.



An attractive spreading tree with glossy leaflets. Flowers are insignificant. Showy fruits occur during winter and are two-lobed, yellow or red with large black seeds.

Guava - Thai White


Large greenish skinned Asian type with white flesh and few seeds. Mild flavour and very popular in Asian markets. Easy to grow in frost free climates, and can be a weed in some regions.The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back

Cinnamon Myrtle


The leaves have a pleasant spicy cinnamon-like aroma and flavour. The attractive flowers are creamy coloured and star shaped, produced en masse, followed by star-like capsules. The cinnamon myrtle is well suited to the home garden. The tree is adaptable to a broad range of conditions and different soil types. Cinnamon myrtle is suitable for full-sun and semi-shade situations, in open plantings or as a managed hedge. The tree is tolerant of light frosts. Leaves can be harvested as sprigs for use in cooking. Its used in savoury recipes, desserts, confectionery and herbal teas. Cinnamon myrtle can also be used in floristry.

Gumbi Gumbi


This drought hardy tree has a weeping appearance with long and slender leaves to 10cm. The fruit changes from green to yellow/orange when ripe splits open with red sticky seeds. Great for an informal native hedge. Traditional medicinal uses: An infusion of the seeds, fruit pulp, leaves or wood was ingested for the relief of pain and cramps. Decoction of the fruits was drunk and applied for eczema. Bush medicine, for colds, cramps, itching. Seeds ground for flour. Gumbi Gumbi is resistant to both drought and frost, and grows in a wide variety of soil types, from heavy clay to mostly sand. But for best results in a home garden, choose a well-drained loamy soil or potting mix, located in full sun, and water well throughout the dry season.

Pine Nut


An attractive large pine tree that bears cones of edible nuts. These are considered a delicacy in Mediterranean style cooking, due to their sweet, buttery flavour. Trees can be expected to start producing cones from about year 6. But can take longer. Each cone holds about 50 nuts and 100 kg of cones holds about 20 kg of nuts. Grows best in dry cooler areas with excellent drainage. Trees can set nuts on their own, but cones may be poorly filled. Plant two or more to improve nut set.

Passionfruit - Granadilla


Large oval fruit to 30cm turning rich golden. Fruit can be cooked green like a marrow or ripened and eaten fresh. The pulp can be used with a dessert or made into sherbet. Hand-pollination aids fruit set. Cross pollinate with Sweet Lilikoi.

Dwarf Macadamia - A16


An Australian selection that shows dwarfing tendencies. High yielder, excellent nut quality. Slow growing and wind tolerant. Med - large nut and high kernal recovery. A semi-dwarfing small, compact tree.

Banana - Red Dacca


A red skinned variety which will have a deep maroon-red skin when ripe. Great eaten fresh when they have a sweet, creamy flavour, sometimes with berry overtones. They can also be baked, fried, dried and toasted when unripe. Red bananas have more beta carotene and vitamin C than yellow ones.Trees will grow to between 4-5m, or more in good conditions, with an attractive red hue to the pseudostems. This variety is showing some promise growing in cooler urban areas, like Sydney and Melbourne

Midyim - Copper Tops

$14.75 ($14.75-$18.75 choose a size)

A hardy spreading shrub with arching branches of green foliage and coppery new growth. It has masses of fluffy white flowers in late spring and early summer. The edible grey-white berries are delicious and are produced in autumn. At its best in a full sun to part shade spot, in moist but well drained soil. A tough plant that can withstand harsher conditions. responds well to pruning, which will encourage denser growth.
Special Offer: Buy 4+ @$14.75ea usually:$18.75ea

Cardamon Ginger


Cardamon ginger is a leafy ginger-like plant that grows in clumps and makes an excellent low screen, it adds a tropical feel to any garden. While the seeds don't resemble true cardamom, the leaves can be used in desserts, to add flavour when steaming rice, or used to wrap fish. Leaves are also delicious when infused to make spiced teas: infuse one cardamon leaf, two sticks of lemon grass and one chopped chilli for a winter warmer.

Palm - Foxtail


First discovered in 1978 in a tiny area within Melville National Park, this palm is now one of the most widely planted in the world. Famous for it bushy fronds and slightly bulbous base, it lends a exotic, tropical look to landscaping. Able to survive heat, salt winds and seasonally dry conditions. Slow growing.

Vetiver Grass - Monto

$9.90 ($9.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A non-invasive clumping type grass that does not produce viable seed. Excellent for erosion control as it produces a massive root system that grows straight down rather than out from the plant. It creates a sort of curtain beneath the soil, trapping sediment and slowing down the movement of water. Because the grass grows down instead of outward, it does not become invasive. The roots are very deep, so its best to decide carefully where to plant it because it is very hard to dig up. Watch this Youtube to show a great idea of hedging Vetiver and using it as mulch.
Special Offer: Buy 4+ @$9.90ea usually:$18.75ea

Native Ginger - Atherton Red Back


Versatile plant used by Aboriginal people. The ginger tasting roots were eaten and the flesh from the bright blue fruit. This Red Coloured form is from Atherton Tablelands. The large leaves were thatched and used to make shelters and to wrap food for cooking.

Apple - Bolero Ballerina ®


Compact columnar tree. A mid season apple with a crisp texture. Skin colour is green yellow with red blush. Can grow tall if left unpruned but will always be narrow. Perfect for walkways, fences and pots Creamy white flesh, juicy, crisp and moderately firm. Excellent flavour with a freshness. Suitable for table, drying and cooking. White flowers flushed pink

Arrowroot - West Indian


True Arrowroot, a tropical plant with rhizomatous tubers that are the source of the well known flour. Can be eaten raw or cooked but the flesh is very fibrous. The flour starch is extracted from the pulped tuber, which is mixed with water and sieved. The resulting starchy water is evaporated and the fine starchy powder remains. Native to tropical Central and South America it does better in frost free areas, growing to about 1.2m. The rhizomes are ready to harvest when 10-12 months old, the stems yellow and fall over in winter and return in late spring. Grow in full sun or part shade with good moisture. Ornamental, lending a tropical ginger look to gardens. Suitable for growing in pots or in Food Forest systems

Midyim Berry


A low spreading shrub with dainty foliage developing a reddish shade in colder climates. The white tea tree like flowers are followed by sweet edible mauve-white speckled berries. A very decorative ground cover.



A tall growing deciduous tree with maidenhair like foliage. The foliage colours golden yellow in Autumn. The female tree bears a plum-like cone with an ill smelling flesh, but the kernel is edible and sweet. Slow growing and requires good soil and plenty of water during summer. We are not able to determine which seedlings are male or female until they flower so that is why we recommend 3 plants to be assured you will get at list one female.

Jujube - Si Hong


Produces large, round to barrel shaped fruit of very good quality. Sihongs sweetness makes it great for fresh eating or dehydrating. Unlike other jujubes, when dried, Sihong has fine wrinkles on its skin surface. Very reliable bearing. Cross pollinate for best results.Mid season ripening

Tree Waratah


This is one of the most stunning rainforest trees with a spectacular flowering in spring. Adapting well to cool climates, it will flower most prolifically if grown in full sun in deep rich soil with extra water given in periods of hot dry weather.

Lilly Pilly - Riberry


The small leaved lilly pilly produces masses of red pear shaped fruit. Its handsome purple-red growth makes this lilly pilly one of the favourites as an Edible Hedge. The fruit exhibits a juicy but slightly acidic finish. Which is reminiscent of cinnamon and cloves. It is a very popular ingredient in wild-food dishes.

Taro Japanese


A staple crop throughout Asia and the Pacific. The delicious small tuber can substitute potato in almost any dish. Its heart-shaped leaves make for an attractive plant that grows well in shade and sun. Prefers moist soil.Taro should never be eaten raw, due to the presence of harmful oxalates, which are eliminated with cooking. These substances are particularly high in the leaves. Weed Warning: in tropical areas, Taro can spread overtime especially in waterways, displacing native vegetation. Plant responsibly

Lilly Pilly - Coolamon


A rainforest tree which is a threatened species in the wild. Plant in rich soil with adequate moisture. Attractive red-pink flowers with large white edible fruit formed on the trunk and branches called cauliflorous fruit development. The fruit has the freshness of Granny Smith apples with a somewhat dry texture. Likes to grow in riverine and gully like conditions in low altitude locations. The Coolamon reaches up to 25 - 40m with a 60cm trunk.

Jakfruit - Galaxy

$14.90 ($14.90-$19.90 choose a size)

Large fruit with Yellow Crisp flesh with excellent flavour. This is a variety was selected by Fitzroy Nursery and in a tasting at a Horticultural display at Rockhampton 99% of those people who tasted it rated it as excellent. Available as seedling and grafted
Special Offer: Buy 2+ @$14.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Musk Mallow


Stunning red flowers last for only one day but are produced prolifically. Seeds are musk scented. Leaves, shoots and tuberous roots can be eaten raw or cooked. A small shrub that grows to about 2m. It is fast growing. Musk Mallow is not long lived, usually less than 15 years. Very Drought tolerant.

Hoop Pine


This is the tallest of the native pines and it is quite capable of reaching heights of more than 40 metres making it an impressive addition to my garden. It is a wonderful bird-attracting tree, as they love to nest in its protective prickly foliage and is an excellent host for lots of native orchid species.Australian Timber Database
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