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Avocardo and Eco Oil

    5 responses

Roy starts with ...
I have a ten year old secondo that is a little over 2 meters tall. This year it flowered well with lots of bee activity but very few fruit set.
I heard on the radio this morning that Eco Oil should have been applied when the flowers first appeared and then at 3 week intervals in order to guard against some disease that is prevalent in the Sydney region.
Has anyone else tried Eco Oil and what were the results ?
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About the Author
17th November 2019 9:23pm
#UserID: 2003
Posts: 28
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jakfruit etiquette says...
Hi Roy. Eco oil is an oil, and any oil spray if over applied can cause problems by over coating the leaves, and in very hot weather cooking them. Some plants are much more sensitive to this than others, including plants in glasshouses etc.
The choice of spray equipment is also critical, you need to lightly cover the plant above and below the leaves in most cases (depending on the pest target) according to the directions. Spray nozzles that give a very fine wider spray pattern are beter than coarse nozzles that use a lot of volume to cover. That said, thats easier with small plants, nursery plants than large trees. I usually try to pre mix any oil spray by shaking it in water in a jar to make a white oil, then put it in the sprayer and add water.

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jakfruit etiquette
18th November 2019 9:19am
#UserID: 5133
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Kephas says...
How is the disease spread? Eco-Oil is an insecticide.

Could it have been 'Eco-Fungicide' that was mentioned on the program?
In my mind, that would tie in better in regard to a treatment that is synced with the cycle of the plant.
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18th November 2019 11:34am
#UserID: 21048
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Roy says...
Thanks Jakfruit and Kephas,
The impression that I got listening to the radio program was that the oil was only sprayed on the blossoms, not the leaves. Pretty sure they were saying Eco-Oil but one thought that occurred to me is that if it coats the pollen it could stop pollination.
Think I'll be wary about following this technique unless someone can tell me that it works.
About the Author
19th November 2019 7:47pm
#UserID: 2003
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Kephas says...
If you felt inclined and, can remember the date/time (or name) of the program, you should be able ring the station for details.

I've done that in the past, although usually only chasing up a band name and/or, song title. From memory, I've even emailed a TV station, for the same sort of thing (the name of a performer on an episode of Rove).

They may even have a link to the transcript. Or, at least, to the online presence of the author.
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20th November 2019 10:12am
#UserID: 21048
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jakfruit etiquette says...
It could be bud mite control, eco oil is a miticide, and that would be a reason to spray flowers before fruit sets ?
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jakfruit etiquette
21st November 2019 4:19pm
#UserID: 5133
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