Casimiroa Tea / White Sapote Tea (forum)
6 responses
Farouk starts with ...
Hi All,
Anyone grow White Sapote & make tea from its leaves ?
Casimiroa Tea anyone ?
Time: 2nd January 2019 4:11pm
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About the Author Farouk
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Caleb (Staff) says...
Hi Farouk,
So I have consulted the brain trust here, and nobody has heard of Casimiroa tea. While we are primarily an edible plants nursery, we know how bad things can get if you eat the wrong thing, so we don't encourage experimentation without sound background research. In saying that, if you do find a reliable source discussing the use of white sapotes or any other cool plants, feel free to drop us a message on here or the social media sites. We love trivia, and we love plants!
- Caleb from Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery
Time: 25th January 2019 2:39pm
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Original Post was last edited: 25th January 2019 2:39pm
About the Author Caleb (Staff)
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allybanana says...
I have heard of white sapote seeds having some toxicity. I would be cautious about drinking a lot of tea from the leaves.
Time: 29th January 2019 3:18pm
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About the Author allybanana
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Farouk says...
Thanks for the advice, Where is that Davidson plum photo taken from?
Time: 30th January 2019 1:36pm
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About the Author Farouk
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stevet says...
There is a lot of info if you look in the right places. I have been drinking the tea for quite a while now. You can purchase bags of the leaves from Tropical Fruit World near tweed heads. $11 a bag I think. Great price.
Casimiroa leaves can be brewed the same as green tea and has a similar taste. I love it. The leaves as a tea have a calming sedative effect that help sleep. Stronger brews also seem to enhance dreams and the ability to remember them.
Typically you would break up a decent size leaf. One or a half depending on the strength. Poor boiling hot water and leave for 3 to 5 minutes. Strain and drink. Can have a slightly dehydrating effect but you will have a great sleep. stronger brews feel great but always work up to it.
Great tea. Don't overdo the brew though, increase steadily till you find a mix that works for you.
Not had the fruit but the seeds are toxic.
Time: 27th June 2019 11:40pm
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People who Like this Answer: John Mc
Original Post was last edited: 27th June 2019 11:41pm
About the Author stevet
Sydney Australia
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Farouk says...
Hi Stevet, thanks for all the details, I have a decent sized tree, i'm yet to taste the fruit off my tree hopefully this warm season, I've tasted it once before off someone's tree in Melbourne, it was so good. I had the tea a few times with positive results initially with very vivid dreams, after using it for a few days maybe a week I felt this constant pulsating on my top right shoulder & near neck area. I stopped having it since then, I made it much stronger than you've advised, I put a hand full of fresh green leaves from the tree. I'd like to dry some leaves & try 1 or 2 leaves this time.
Time: 30th September 2019 2:39pm
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Original Post was last edited: 30th September 2019 2:40pmAbout the Author Farouk
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Edrei says...
I grew up with two sapote trees in our house. Mom planted one on the sidewalk , because people would always ask for leaves, bark, and fruit. Some years the trees had so much fruit we had to give it away.The fruit can vary in size from a golf ball to a large peach. The fruit usually has three big seeds and several flat smaller seeds. It starts off hard, and when ripe it gets very soft, almost too soft, and super sweet. The trees can be quite messy when the fruit falls and spatters on the ground. For this reason the trees had to be cut down. The sapote tree is a beautiful tree that has the potential to grow very big. I loved climbing the large tree and resting on a branch under its medium thick foliage. The taste is similar to a very ripe persimmon. I prefer to eat the fuit before it gets too ripe. The fruit will go from a pale green to a pale yellow when fully ripe. You can speed up the process by freezing and defrosting the fruit. Sapote fruit makes you relax and fall asleep. The leaves also make you calm and I was told they normalize high blood pressure. The bark is infused in Sugar Cane Alcohol to fade skin discoloration, scars and other skin related ailments. I worked as a pharmacy technician many years ago, and I was surprised to discover that the medication prescribed for high blood pressure Atenolol, smell just like the Sapote fruit. Go figure!
Time: 6th February 2020 6:47pm
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About the Author Edrei
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