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Peach/Nectarine tree

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Anonymous starts with ...
I Have bought a 3 graft peach/nectarine tree from the gardening Australia expo last year And it is about a 500mm tall and has had lots of flowers and now seems to be having fruit growing .
What I would like to know is should it be starting to fruit now and (seem a bit early to me ) and should I let it go
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7th June 2008 12:42pm
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David says...
I don't think peaches and nectarines should be fruiting now, even dwarf ones. Somehow your tree is confused with regard to timing. I'm in Shepparton and I have peach and nectarine trees in my garden and I'm surrounded by orchards. They flower August September and ripen over summer.
I think it would be best to remove the fruits and let the tree save energy for the new season. You may not get many fruits the coming summer, if I remember right, the peaches and nectarines fruit on one year old wood. You might have more in 2009!
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Shepparton Vic
7th June 2008 9:42pm
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BJ says...
My peach tree is once again confused with the Perth seasons and is now covered in blossom and baby peaches.
Should I remove the baby fruit in the hope that it will wake again in Spring - or is this my crop for the year (4 months early - but likely to be OK given the mild Perth winter!)
This is the second year the plant has been confused about seasons!
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25th June 2011 5:48pm
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VLR says...
I have the same problem with my Tropic Beauty though it's not fruiting yet, BJ. I only planted it last spring and its leaves were burnt from the dog (and perhaps another male of the household?) peeing on it. I thought it was stress (it dropped its leaves long before any of my other deciduous trees) but maybe it is the weather. The plum trees were refusing to shed their leaves and they were starting to get moldy so I pulled them off. Even my blueberries are flowering and starting to fruit.
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25th June 2011 10:45pm
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BJ says...
So ... do you think we should let them fruit, or keep reminding them with a gentle removal of leaves etc that it is actually winter!
(congrats VRL on blueberries by the way - for some reason I am a blueberry killer - even in pots with special potting mix!)
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25th June 2011 11:02pm
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VLR says...
I'm just going to let my trees fruit if they start doing so during the winter and see what happens. So far it's just the blueberries and peach that are flowering out of season. Hopefully with the extra cold weather lately the plants will take the hint that it's winter.
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6th July 2011 2:44am
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amanda says...
I agree VLR! my passionfruits have finally got the hint to stop flowering. Up until this week - the weather has been really mild for this time of year...?
I hope we get enough chill hours this season.
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Geraldton. Mide West WA.
6th July 2011 9:26am
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