Dwarf Apple - Gala

$49.00 ($39.00-$49.00 choose a size)

A juicy apple with a mild sweet flavour and crisp, creamy yellow flesh. Excellent for eating fresh, cutting into salads or adding to the kids lunch box. They are a thin skinned apple. A high chill variety for cooler/ temperate regions with approximately 600 chill hours. Usually ripens in February and stores well.

Dwarf Tangelo - Minneola


A dwarfing mandarin-grapefruit cross that is the juiciest of all citrus. Flavour is very rich and best eaten when fully ripe. The Dwarf Tangelo is a heavy cropper. For pollination, any early flowering mandarin will assist, for example Satsumas, Nules, Emperor or Imperial.

Nashi Pear - Nijisseiki

$44.00 ($44.00-$49.00 choose a size)

A heavy bearing variety. Medium sized round fruit of excellent eating quality with crisp, white flesh and yellowish-green, transparent skin and moderate sugar content. Will set fruit without pollination however the fruit is smaller.

Dwarf Apple - Red Delicious

$39.00 ($39.00-$46.95 choose a size)

Red delicious produces excellent crops of bright red, large, crunchy apples. The flesh is greenish white and has a crisp texture. The are great to eat straight off the tree. Pollinate with a Granny Smith, Pink Lady or a Red Fuji. A high chill variety for cooler regions.

Dwarf Apple - Granny Smith

$49.00 ($46.95-$79.00 choose a size)

The Dwarf Granny Smith apple tree has a tart-tangy, crisp flavour and bright green skin. One of the best apples for eating out of hand and a very good cooking apple because of its ability to retain flavour. Perform best in cooler regions.
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