Cherry 2 way - Royal Rainier / Stella


Royal Rainier is a large yellow cherry with excellent flavour and holds well on the tree. Taste test winner. Suited to warmer temperate climates, where there isn't as much chill. Multigrafted with Stella for cross pollination. Stella - A large, sweet flavoured cherry, red to dark red in colour. Produces large crops in clusters. An excellent choice for the home orchard. Suitable for small to medium gardens.

Chestnut - Flemings Special


A specially selected, budded cultivar. Produces large brown nuts with a predominant stripe. Excellent quality nut for roasting. In addition to their nuts, Chestnuts are valuable as ornamental trees for larger gardens. Prefers well drained, acid soils. Mid-season maturity.

Avocado - Secondo (A) ®

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Superior flavour, with smooth, creamy flesh and pear-shaped, green-skinned, fruits that are textured like hass. A vigorous variety that commences fruiting in its 2nd year. Self pollinating. H Jul - Dec This is a local selection with Hass and Sharwill as parents that was selected by Daleys and is proving an excellent backyard variety as well as being our nursery favourite.

Dwarf Loquat Nagasakiwase


Grafted onto quince C creating a small and compact tree. Nagasakiwase has a superior flavour with deep orange, sweet juicy fruit. Dwarf loquats are perfect for pots, patios and small backyards. Early to ripen and produces a huge crop. Thinning the fruit will increase fruit size.

Wax Jambu - Red

$49.00 ($34.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Red waxy skin with crisp white flesh. Highly ornamental as well as sweet and tasty. Fast growing tree bearing attractive red pear shaped fruit that is crunchy and refreshing on a hot summers day. A highly ornamental fruit due to its striking red colour. They generally don't have seeds but may on rare occasions, depending on pollination.
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