Dwarf Persimmon - Fuyu (NA)

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Fuyu is a semi-dwarf variety, well suited to growing in small backyards and can be kept to 2m with pruning. The fruit is large and flat, orange-red in colour with a sweet, mild flavour. Great eaten crunchy but just luscious when left to go soft. Besides producing delicious fruit, Persimmons are highly ornamental with their beautiful autumn foliage. Non astringent, so can be eaten when still hard. When young, protect from hot afternoon sun, and when dormant, from wet conditions. Seedless when grown on their own. If cross pollinating with another variety they can have seeds in the flesh as shown in the display picture.

Dwarf Mango - King Thai

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Equal if not better in flavour than the Bowen mango. A semi-dwarf tree making it ideal for backyards, it produced elongated fruits similar to the Nam Doc Mai. The fruits start out with green skin and ripen to yellow with pink-red blushed fruit. Compact, branching, slightly upright tree growing to 3-4m tall and 2-3m wide. Shows good resistance to anthracnose and black spot.

Lychee - Wai Chee

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Crops heavily and regularly in subtropical climates with high quality delicious fruit. Compact growth habit. Freshly picked Lychees are absolutely delicious compared to canned or supermarket fruit. Prefers sheltered, rich well drained soil, with lots organic mulch, and cool winters. Late season

Finger Lime - Red

$59.00 ($34.00-$149.00 choose a size)

A sensational fingerlime selection with dark maroon skin and bright lively sunrise coloured orange-red vesicles. An upright growing tree that is ideal for backyards.

Apple 3 way - Gala, Pink Lady, Red Delicious


Multigraft trees are an alternative for small gardens where space is limited and several types of fruit are desired. Suitable cultivars for cross pollination have been grafted on to the one tree. Gala is early to mid-season. Red Delicious is mid-season. Pink Lady - Cripps Pink is late season.
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