Peach 2 way - Double Jewel / Tasty zee


Tasty Zee Late-season maturity. An attractive, white-fleshed peach with excellent quality. Produces commercial grade peaches that are very sweet, firm and juicy, freestone. Used for fresh fruit and drying. Double Jewel Mid-season maturity. The attractive bright pink double blossom and the pleasant tasting quality fruit makes Double Jewel an excellent choice for the home garden. Yellow flesh, medium textured and juicy. Freestone.

Dwarf Persimmon - Fuyu (NA)

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Fuyu is a semi-dwarf variety, well suited to growing in small backyards and can be kept to 2m with pruning. The fruit is large and flat, orange-red in colour with a sweet, mild flavour. Great eaten crunchy but just luscious when left to go soft. Besides producing delicious fruit, Persimmons are highly ornamental with their beautiful autumn foliage. Non astringent, so can be eaten when still hard. When young, protect from hot afternoon sun, and when dormant, from wet conditions. Seedless when grown on their own. If cross pollinating with another variety they can have seeds in the flesh as shown in the display picture.

Eucalyptus - Rainbow Gum


The unique multi-coloured bark is the most distinctive feature of the tree. Patches of outer bark are shed annually at different times, showing a bright green inner bark. This then darkens and matures to give blue, purple, orange and then maroon tones. This is a tall tropical tree to 60m native to the northern hemisphere. Very frost sensitive the Rainbow Gum is only suitable to large gardens or parks in the tropics or subtropics, it will prefer a site where the temperature does not dip below 15 degrees.

Longan - Haew

$59.00 ($59.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Haew is a late maturing cultivar. The high quality fruit is medium to large in size with a rather small seed. Being a late fruiting cultivar it tends to bear in alternate years. Marcotted trees will commence bearing in 2 years.

Plumcott - Flavour Supreme


A Fleming's quality introduction. Pluot; 'Flavour Supreme' interspecific plum (meaning plum/apricot hybrid) is one of a new generation of traditionally bred plums with a bright, very sweet flavour. 'Flavour Supreme' does not have the tart aftertaste of many plums; this has been replaced with the aroma of the apricot that forms part of its parentage. Pluot interspecific plums are as easy to grow as any regular plum. Suitable pollinizer: 'Mariposa'.
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