Spicezee - Nectarine x Plum


The first true Necta-Plum released by Zaiger hybrids. Very sweet, with a indescribably rich taste and aroma, fully ripe fruit is unparalleled in flavour. A nectarine cross plum with an excellent blend of flavour between the sweet nectarine and the tanginess of the plum. It is a gorgeous tree, with deep red leaves in the spring that gradually become a dark green by mid-summer. Relatively Low chill 300

Blueberry - Burst (PBR)

$59.00 ($34.95-$99.00 choose a size)

The fruit is a crisp fleshed, sweet fruit, harvested over 3 - 4 months resulting in a constant supply of delicious, healthy fruit, filled with anti oxidants. Blueberries have been nick named Brain Berries and Youth Berries because of the high anti oxidant levels in them. This variety is an evergreen,naturally dwarfing variety growing to 1.0m high x 0.75m in width. It is self fruitful and because of its low chilling requirement can be grown anywhere in Australia. This variety has been growing in trials in both warmer and cooler climates in Australia with great success in all climates.



Trial Product, Daley's is currently trialling this product, but we will not have them available for sale in the foreseeable future. If you are interested in this item please request the email notification from this page, but at this stage we cannot give you an estimated time of availability.Bael fruits are large with a hard woody shell that must be cracked with a hammer. They take 11 months to ripen on the tree and grow to the size of a grapefruit or pummelo. The fibrous yellow pulp is very aromatic described as being sweet, aromatic and pleasant, although tangy and slightly astringent in some varieties, smelling of roses and tasting like marmalade, or part citrus, part tamarind. Fruits are eaten fresh or dried. This tree is considered sacred by Hindus and the fruits are used as food and in tradition medicine throughout its natural range in Asia. In India it has a reputation of being able to grow where other trees cannot. It is happy in a wide range of soil conditions, will tolerate periods of waterlogging and has an unusually wide tolerance to temperature, from -7C to 48C. It does require a pronounced dry season to set fruit.

Bunya Nut

$19.75 ($4.90-$29.00 choose a size)

A handsome large tree for parks and gardens. This extraordinary bush food produces large edible nuts inside large cones. They are delicious roasted or pressure cooked. Then slice them and shuck the kernel and use in a wide range of recipes. The trees produce dense shade and are cold tolerant. A symmetrical pine suitable for container growing when young as they a slow growing to start. Trees take up to 15 years to produce the large cones, which ripen mid summer. No-one should stand or park under one of these at that time, as they fall from a height when ripe. These trees were and still are very important to the cultural practices of First Nations peoples of the East Coast especially southern Queensland, producing bumper harvests every 3 years, drawing peoples to the region to share.

Passionfruit - Sweetheart

$24.90 ($9.75-$24.90 choose a size)

A very sweet fruit with a high pulp content. Fruits are highly sought after due to the productivity of the vines and are one of the highest yielding black passionfruit selections.A commercial selection that is only available to commercial growers. "This variety is owned by APIA and cannot be propagated without permission"Sweetheart is clonally propagated as a grafted variety. Unfortunately, over the years the vigour and health of this vine has been deteriorating and has been identified by the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation as a variety in need of replacing with productive new varieties with an expanded genetic diversity. At Daleys we will no longer be propagating this variety.
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