Yuzu - Grafted

$59.00 ($59.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Native to China, the Yuzu has been used and cultivated in this region for thousands of years. The fruit is tart, resembling a grapefruit with mandarin overtones. It is rarely eaten as a fresh fruit but is used to makes sauces, preserves and a popular yuzu vinegar. In Korea thinly sliced fruits are combined with sugar and honey to make a thick marmalade like syrup. Yuzu kosho is a spicy Japanese sauce made from green or ripe yellow yuzu zest, chillis and salt. The yuzu is more cold tolerant than most other citrus, being able to tolerate to -5 degrees

Dwarf Persimmon - Ichikikijiro (NA)

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Large flat fruit of excellent quality. Being a dwarf variety it is well suited to backyards but is also a good commercial variety. Mostly seedless fruit, Non astringent.

Jujube - Li

$124.00 ($119.00-$139.00 choose a size)

Large and round in shape. The texture is crisp and fresh fruit have an excellent flavour. Fruit can be picked at the yellow/green stage however the best flavour is obtained when half the fruit has turned reddish brown. Mature fruits are 40-60mm in diameter. Early - Mid season ripening (Feb-April) Self fertile

Cherry of Rio Grande


This beautiful small tree has very attractive dark glossy-green waxy leaves and very ornamental bark. The showy white flowers are followed by deep purple cherry sized fruit approximately 3 weeks from the time of flowering. The fruit is the most popular substitute in warmer climates for the traditional Prunus Cherry. The fruit has a sweet juicy cherry flavour eaten fresh or can be picked at maturity , frozen for later use or used in jellies, jams and juices. This compact tree is perfect for small back yard orchards as it is well suited to container growing, still producing an abundance of fruit even when kept as a potted bush. This is advantageous as the tree can then be easily netted during fruiting time as this tree is a favourite to the birds. The tree is highly ornamental requiring very little attention and pruning to keep it looking its best. It can also be used to make a hedge. The Brazillian tree, member of the Myrtaceae, can reach up to 10 metres in its tropical forest environment, but most often reaches a comfortable height of 4-5m. They are moderately fast, preferring frequent but small balanced nutrient application and regularly watering during flowering and fruit development although the tree itself, if not expecting fruit quality in the drier years is fairly drought tolerance. The tree can tolerate temperatures down to zero degrees.

Apple 3 Way - Crimson Crisp, Pixie Crunch, Williams Pride Easycare(TM)


Multi-graft trees are an alternative for small gardens where space is limited and several types of fruit are desired. Suitable cultivars for cross pollination have been grafted on to the one tree. Crimson Crisp is an easy care apple. This gorgeous, apple makes excellent eating. Flesh is creamy-white, moderately firm and with a mild flavour. Bred for resistance to apple scab, making it low maintenance and just right for home gardeners. Pixie Crunch is a bright, crisp and tasty apple is a delight to eat, and has the advantage of being bred for resistance to apple scab, making it low maintenance, just right for home gardeners. Williams Pride is an attractive, early season apple with excellent size. Has the added advantages of having good fruit quality, resistance to apple scab and powdery mildew. Medium to large fruit with red striped skin over pale green. All three varieties are grafted on to the one tree. High chill varieties suited to cooler areas.
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