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Identify plant/tree

    8 responses

Vasi starts with ...
Can anyone please name this tree spexies, as I bought a plant and was already in the same pot!
Thank you I appreciate your help!
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15th July 2018 3:40pm
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Pademelon1 says...
Need a photo!
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17th July 2018 2:47pm
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Julie says...
Can't identify anything without a photo!
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Roleystone WA
17th July 2018 7:50pm
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Vasi says...
Ok this is the picture. My mistake.
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About the Author
18th July 2018 1:03pm
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kevhumphreyss1 says...
Can anyone identify this plant for me. Was given to me as an Achacha but doesnt look like one. Leaves and branches have little hairs making leaves feel rough
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About the Author
18th October 2018 1:36pm
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brad16 says...
Hi Kev,

Definitely not Achacha. They have a distinctive 'Garcinia' appearance. Your photos look like a 'Sandpaper Fig' (Ficus coronata) to me. I have these on my property, but I've never attempted to eat the fruit. The fruit is small and a bush tucker, unlike the commonly known first class figs you see in fruit markets.

Hi Vasi,

Your one is much harder as not much is in focus, it really only shows a leaf without any branching, habit etc, so it could be any number of things. If I was to throw a guess in the ring, I might suggest a 'Brush Box' Lophostemon confertus. But that is only based on the colour, general appearance of shape and texture (the impression of it anyway) and the way the leaves are growing out in a 'ladder' kind of habit (there's a name for it ... but I'm not going to look it up).

If it is a Brush Box, the new growth will be smooth, but at the base of the stem there would be some early developed bark that will look fissured (rough) and flakey. Brush Box also look bent where they come out of the ground. They look like they grow out on an angle and then suddenly straighten up to grow vertical.

I have Brush Box all over my place, growing as natural vegetation. They're prolific shooters and can send runners like weeds. I have some areas where the bush is a little sparser, and Brush Box can shoot up just as good as Lantana.

Anyway, good luck with your ID's.

Vasi, just noticed your location is saying Pasadena. If that's in the USA, then Brush Box is less likely. I'm in Australia and it natural vegetation here. It may be related, or just something that looks similar.
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18th October 2018 3:04pm
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Original Post was last edited: 18th October 2018 4:16pm
Rannman75 says...
Sandpaper fig.
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18th October 2018 7:58pm
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People who Like this Answer: ivepeters
kevhumphreyss1 says...
I've added another photo if that helps.
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19th October 2018 10:41am
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brad16 says...
Hi Kev,

Although I didn't get to see your new photo (my internet connection is bad at the best of times, and worse tonight), your one is pretty easy. Without much doubt it is a Sandpaper Fig. Rannman thought so also, and it looks as though ivepeters agrees.

In particular, I'm quite confident that it is Ficus coronata, as there is more than one species of Ficus that gets the Sandpaper name.

The part about Brush Box in my previous reply was in response to the request before yours. Maybe I shouldn't have answered two in the one post. Sorry if I confused you.
About the Author
20th October 2018 8:00pm
#UserID: 14079
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