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My Edibles - Report Errors

    51 responses

Correy starts with ...
Please report any errors you experience using My Edibles below.

My Edibles NEW Allows you to share all the edible fruit & Nut trees you are growing.
If you haven't already please Create Your Edible Orchard

I will try and fix errors in order of importance. To see What's Happening with reported errors visit this link:


General Feedback - Leave all your feedback good and bad here.
My Edibles - Orchards Recently Updated - See who has created or updated details about their orchard.
Buy Fruit - People who are selling the fruit from their trees will appear on this page.
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
16th July 2009 9:51pm
#UserID: 3
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Jimmy says...
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17th July 2009 4:09pm
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paula-f says...
On my first entry, some of the information is different to what I typed in.....ie for fertilising, I put in yearly, but it has come up with "autumn" and also for the watering, I typed in weekly, and it has come up with "autumn after fruiting". Everything else I typed in came up ok.
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SE Queensland
17th July 2009 5:20pm
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Correy says...
Hi Paula-f,

I added your task for me to check:


By the way did you use a different email address on my edibles to what you use on the forum? Just wondering why it didn't come up under about the author?
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Woolloongabba QLD
20th July 2009 8:26am
#UserID: 3
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Correy says...
Ok I found another error:

The surname is appearing in the map snapshot. This shouldn't be the case only the display name.
About the Author
Woolloongabba QLD
20th July 2009 8:35am
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Correy says...
Fixed now :)
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Woolloongabba QLD
20th July 2009 8:52am
#UserID: 3
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paula-f says...
Hi Correy,
I think I may have used my husbands email address on the forum and mine on the edibles page, but I've tried changing it and still dosen't work. Sorry, I'm a dunce when it comes to using computers.
Would I be best to just start again.
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SE Queensland
20th July 2009 9:14am
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Correy says...
paula-f.... All fixed up now, your my edibles page is fantastic.
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
20th July 2009 3:33pm
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paula-f says...
Wow, thankyou so much for doing that correy, I would have taken years to work it out. And thanks for the comments on my fruit trees.....still got quite a few to list, so will do that over the next few days.
I'm loving reading about everyones edibles. Great idea.
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SE Queensland
20th July 2009 4:57pm
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paula-f says...
Just noticed it didn't work again, so just testing to see if it works under this email address.
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SE Queensland
20th July 2009 5:51pm
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Firefly says...
Two errors to report. Somehow I've managed to create two profiles for myself under the same username and I can't figure out how to get into the wrong one (3688) to delete it.
Entered 60 FRUIT/year for my tamarillo, yet when I log out and view my page, it says 60KG/year.

Also, is there a quick link to the My Edibles page? The only way I've managed to get there is to click on links posted in topics in the forum.
About the Author
Penrith NSW
21st July 2009 5:46pm
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Correy says...


When you post a message on the forum it will say Logged in as paula-f (Logout)

Click on Logout

Then when you post your next message make sure that you use your correct email address.

Option 2:
If this doesn't work then can you please clear your cookies in ie it is tools -> internet options and it should be there somewhere. I will personally fix up your lattest posts so that it refererences your "my edibles"

I managed to go into the database and delete the other account. I thought I had a program which tried to merge duplicate data but obviously needs me to re-visit it.

Hopefully tonight I will get a chance to fix this problem:

I have it listed here:
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
21st July 2009 6:01pm
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Firefly says...
When editing the plant profiles, noticed that once I select a 'Pollination' option, I can't unselect it - I have to pick one. Same for the 'Light Level'.

Entered my mobile number for both phone options. I wrote 04xxxxxxxx, when I logged in again it appeared as 614xxxxxxxx
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Penrith NSW
21st July 2009 6:04pm
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Liz says...
Hi Correy,

I just tried to set up a "My Edibles" page, but it's not saving most of the data entered into the "About Your Orchard" field. I wrote a whole spiel and it only saved the first line, and then I added a note to say that it hadn't saved the rest of what I'd written and that I would rewrite it later, but it's only saved half a line of that!

It's also turning blank with "error on page" every time I try to add any new plants... :-(

Great idea if I can get it to work!

PS - my plants arrived last week!

Thanks... :-)
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Thornlie (Perth)
22nd July 2009 5:43pm
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paula-f says...
Thanks Correy, I wasn't putting an email address in at all when I posted, thats why it wouldn't work.
About the Author
SE Queensland
22nd July 2009 6:09pm
#UserID: 2568
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Correy says...

The mobile thing is actually on purpose. 61 is the oz postcode. I did it to stop duplicates from other countries. Do you think I should try and display it with the 04 still?

Hi Liz. I also notice another error on your map:


It must be a problem with with adding new plants not already in the database.

That also sux that it is deleting your text. I have had this problem randomly too. I added this error to my list:


About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
22nd July 2009 7:30pm
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Correy says...
Paula-f & Firefly:
I have fixed up the errors with fertiliser and pruning.
About the Author
27th July 2009 8:50pm
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Correy says...

I fixed up the mobile number thing thanks for the tip.
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
28th July 2009 10:18am
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Firefly says...
How do we reply to questions people ask on their My Edibles pages? A 'reply to this question' button is needed.

Have noticed that if more than one picture is uploaded for a plant profile the name of the plant is obscured - have to adjust their pictures to see what plant is being described.
About the Author
Penrith NSW
28th July 2009 9:52pm
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Correy says...

Re: Questions on my edibles. I have been thinking about what is the best way to do the questions.

I was thinking of having them either linked to the forum so that the moment a question is asked it appears on the forum "To be answered" or just having it on the my edibles page.

At the moment I am leaning towards just having it internal to my edibles due to saturation on the forum and then it might become a general discussion rather then specified to the users plant. Also I was thinking of making it a bit more strict so that you need a my edibles account to actually reply to someone elses question rather then the very open and anonymous nature of this forum.

re: Picture. Can you please give me the example and link you are talking about?

P.S Your My Edibles page is looking great. I am going to have to do a bit of work on mine... We are sending out a newsletter this weekend to all our customers and we are going to mention my edibles so hopefully there are a lot more people who will contribute.

Which should make this page much more interesting:

About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
29th July 2009 12:46pm
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Original Post was last edited: 29th July 2009 12:50pm
Firefly says...
Correy, re pictures obscuring the plant name - just check the tamarillo and the 'Tried but Died' naranjilla on my page - you have to scroll the pictures over to see the name of the plant. Not a big issue, just looks a bit rough.

Was thinking it'd be good to be able to caption our pictures to give them some context.
About the Author
Penrith NSW
29th July 2009 6:10pm
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Correy says...

Can you please give me a screenshot. I can't see it from my end.

Great Idea about the captions this is in the woodwork but is a bit complicated so will put it in the backburner for a bit.

Re: Comments and answers to questions.
I have decided to only let people who have a my edibles account comment on other peoples plants. Unlike the forum this will stop people from having their My Edibles page being defaced by both spam and people who are malicious. It will also allow me to send immediate updates (something I Can't do on the forum) and if they want they will have the power to block certain users and also turn it off all together.

I think I will try this first. Thoughts?
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
30th July 2009 5:17pm
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Firefly says...
Correy, got a screenshot of my tamarillo and a babaco from your page.

Restricting the right to comment sounds like a good idea. Being able to delete comments others have left on my page is something I'd also like to be able to do.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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Penrith NSW
30th July 2009 7:26pm
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paula-f says...
I like the idea of restricting comments to only "My Edible" subscribers too, and like Firefly, would like to delete any unsuitable comments left on my page.
The "My Edible" pages are looking great, and the whole Daleys site is just fantastic.
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SE Queensland
31st July 2009 7:31am
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Correy says...

Thanks for posting that. You must have a 640*480 resolution... It looks like I have a bug in the code for it to do that, that isn't showing up on my screen. Will go back over the code.

Privacy & Comments:
* Not implimented yet but prob by tomorrow.

I am giving you guys way more options with privacy. Bit of work but it is a prety big issue.

Map Plotting can now be set by you as:
- Exact point
- Exact point shifted by 1km
- Suburb level
- State level
- Not at all

Also with comments I will allow you to disable comments or proof read the comment before it goes live other then that you can easily delete the comments and get emails as soon as someone adds a comment.

Hope this helps.
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
31st July 2009 5:06pm
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Correy says...
When Editing or Creating your My Edibles Page Under privacy you now have 4 options:

Shifted 1km [ DEFAULT ] - Will move your marker on the map by 1km and only your suburb is displayed.
Plot Exactly - The marker will be above your house and your street address is show publicly. A warning is given for people who select this.
Suburb Level - Your marker is plotted in the center of the suburb. And only your suburb is shown.
State Level - Your marker is plotted in the center of the state eg in the center of QLD. And you suburb is hidden so that only your state is ever shown publicly.
Not Shown - Even though you have entered your address details they will not be shown on your my edibles page and you won't come up on the map.

Firefly: I still haven't looked at your problem but have noticed it on another computer I used today and I can't wait to get rid of that error.

P.S I was meant to send out our newsletter today announcing my edibles to our newsletter group ( a couple of thousand fruit enthusiasts ) but am running a bit late.
About the Author
2nd August 2009 12:09am
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Correy says...
I have added options for the comments which should be working.

The email updates isn't happening yet but will in good time.

Next on the agenda is fixing the displays on different displays for firefly and others.
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
2nd August 2009 9:10am
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Correy says...
I have fixed the display problems. Also check out the My Edibles competitions

I am going to work on the display a bit more it is hard trying to display so much information without it looking too busy.
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
4th August 2009 11:35am
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Firefly says...
Correy, I'm still having slight issues with the display. I don't mind having to scroll thru when there are multiple pictures, but is there some way you could put the plant name above the photos?
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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Penrith NSW
4th August 2009 12:05pm
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Firefly says...
You might need to add a 'Report this User' or 'Report this Post' function in the event that someone adds something inappropriate to their pages.

For example, I don't think this person's display name is a good idea. http://www.daleysfruit.com.au/my/4575/
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Penrith NSW
5th August 2009 6:37pm
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Jimmy says...
Maybe they like visitors?
About the Author
6th August 2009 10:55am
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Correy says...
I had another go fixing up the display options can you check it out for me on your screen.

I added the report this post option on my list of things to do :)

I think that one is legitimate though that you listed?
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
7th August 2009 2:48pm
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Firefly says...
The displays looking lots better for me, thanks, Correy.

Re the post I linked, I suppose the username they choose is their own concern, as long as it's not offensive.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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Penrith NSW
7th August 2009 6:50pm
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Dekka says...
My page has several overlapping photos,etc. Also log in no longer seems to continue over to the Forum page as it did before.???
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10th August 2009 7:16pm
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Dekka says...
I am no longer able to view my 'My Edibles' page for some reason. Am I doing something wrong? Before, I could just click on 'Updated Orchards' and then NSW and view it. I can still logon and edit the content but can't view the finished product.
About the Author
13th August 2009 9:07am
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Correy says...
Hi Dekka,

if your userid is 0 it means you haven't logged in with your username:

Make sure that you logout and then log back in using your email address.

I will fix up all your previous posts for you.

Here is a link to your my edibles page:


You have really done a great job :)
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13th August 2009 12:26pm
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Jimmy says...
Hi Correy

Hoe about splitting the ctrus tabs into rootstcok types or adding a sub menu drop down style eg Washington Navel, roostock trifoliata etc etc.

Need to eb able to see the avaialble quantiites as well.
About the Author
13th August 2009 1:39pm
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Jimmy says...
Note this is under shop AND my edlibles.
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13th August 2009 1:40pm
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Jimmy says...
Also, under comments approval is spelt with only one P...d'oh !
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13th August 2009 1:54pm
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Correy says...
Hi Jimmy,

Adding the ability to enter a rootstock is a great idea. Putting it on my to do list:


Not sure what you mean by this?
Need to eb able to see the avaialble quantiites as well....
Note this is under shop AND my edlibles.

I also fixed up the spelling from aproval to approval.

We sent out quite a few emails recently to our newsletter subscribers which has been keeping me busy. Will get back to enhancing the design soon.

Also I am going to send out a gift voucher to everyone who uploaded 1 or more photos of $15 as a token of good will. Hopefully get this done over the weekend.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
About the Author
Woolloongabba, QLD
14th August 2009 4:12pm
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Jimmy says...
What I mean is say for a dwarf orange, you give total quantities but not for
each variety that can be accessed by the drop down menu, thus joe Blow could see 10 trees avialable but there could not actually be any of the variety he wants to buy.
About the Author
14th August 2009 5:32pm
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Original Post was last edited: 14th August 2009 5:33pm
Jimmy says...
Dwarf Orange

The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

175mm | $24.75 AU | Seeking Propagation Material | Available Cara cara Valencia HamlinI prefer Cara CaraI prefer Valencia Hamlin
About the Author
14th August 2009 5:34pm
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Jimmy says...
Thats a cut n paste from the shop. Just pretend it said 10 trees available, in reality they may be all CARA CARA but Joe Blow wants VALENCIA and would order in good faith thinking he would be able to get the Valencia, but could not in real life and then gets a unhappy experience when he finds out no tree for him.
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14th August 2009 5:35pm
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Original Post was last edited: 14th August 2009 5:37pm
Jimmy says...
I think this sale line may be a hangover from a less extensive website version, as there are also lines for the individual plants by themselves.

So maybe delete the first version?

What i want to eliminate, is the drop down menu, as I believe it MAY not reflect the true stock levels for a product.
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14th August 2009 5:39pm
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Liz says...
Hi Correy,

I still can't get anything to add on my "My Edibles" page - came up with "error on page" at the bottom left corner of the screen when I tried to add my Tropic Beauty peach... I thought it might be worth logging out and back in to see if that helped...

...and then realised that I can't remember what password I used to register on My Edibles... and there doesn't seem to be a "forgot my password" function - could you please email it to me? :-)

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Thornlie (Perth)
16th August 2009 12:44am
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Mags&amp;gaz says...
I don't seem to be able to sign in
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21st March 2010 8:33pm
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Mags&amp;gaz says...
Its OK I've now got it.
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21st March 2010 10:24pm
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CJ says...
Not exactly a My Edibles problem - I can log in to My Edibles but not the forum. Any ideas why?! Thanks
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23rd March 2010 1:31pm
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Brad says...
Uh oh. What happens when you move house?

(moving to a half acre in a few months)
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Como, Perth
23rd July 2010 9:51am
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Jimmy says...
Where you lucky devil?
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23rd July 2010 4:18pm
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Steven says...
I was trying to load pictures into my edibles last week. the pictures seemed to upload fine but would not show up on the page.
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Eastern Melbourne
23rd July 2010 4:50pm
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Brad says...
@ Jimmy - Gooseberry Hill. You want to come help? I haven't surveyed the block, but its a brilliant starting point: herb garden, vegie garden and some fruits dotted around. All reticulated. Looking forward to digging a hole and finding out how clayey it is. I'm used to 0% :)

@ Steven - maybe your photos are too large?
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Como, Perth
23rd July 2010 9:10pm
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Original Post was last edited: 24th July 2010 9:07pm

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