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what fruit is this?

    7 responses

billy_t starts with ...
I was given several small trees several years ago and was told they were Kumquats. They grew to about two metres high and are now bearing fruit.But when looking at available information on Kumquats it does not match. Some fruit has up to four large seeds in it! They taste good, but what are they?
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30th September 2017 4:39pm
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chookie2 says...
They are Loquat.
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S.W. Vic
2nd October 2017 10:45am
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johnnyv says...
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Auckland, New Zealand
2nd October 2017 2:30pm
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Lissa says...
Search Loquat.
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2nd October 2017 6:51pm
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Original Post was last edited: 2nd October 2017 6:53pm
BJ11 says...
That looks like a loquat (eriobotrya japonica)! Much more useful than a kumquat ... but probably equally popular.
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2nd October 2017 8:50pm
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Julie says...
Maybe you misheard - that is a loquat.
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Roleystone WA
2nd October 2017 10:45pm
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Peter91 says...
That's a loquat tree. Not even close to a citrus tree, so a bit strange they'd say it was kumquat.
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3rd October 2017 8:26am
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Original Post was last edited: 3rd October 2017 8:27am
denise1 says...
I have had people tell me to have a look at their lychee, which turns out to be a loquat, and small fruiting at that. I have gone to look at a tropical pawpaw tree and find it is only a mountain pawpaw. I have had people tell me a tree is a magnolia when it is a cherimoyer. Because it is the first idea that pops into their head it is sometimes hard to convince them when it is really quite obvious.
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auckland NZ
12th October 2017 7:55am
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