Finger Lime - Collette

$79.00 ($34.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Flavour is highly aromatic and has been rated as superior by Chefs. Fruit is highly ornamental, with its shiny black skin and as a cut fruit, as it has a dark lime green pulp. Displays well as a garnish, with the juice vesicles popping out on cutting and the fruit splitting open wide. Its wide shape facilitates scooping out the pulp with a teaspoon. Rind colour is black/purple at optimum maturity and pulp colour is a dark yellow/green. Mean fruit size is 50mm x 25mm. It is a mid to late season variety but bears fruit all year round.

Apple 3 way - Gala, Pink Lady, Red Delicious


Multigraft trees are an alternative for small gardens where space is limited and several types of fruit are desired. Suitable cultivars for cross pollination have been grafted on to the one tree. Gala is early to mid-season. Red Delicious is mid-season. Pink Lady - Cripps Pink is late season.

Maple - Japanese

$19.75 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)

Maples are renowned for their brilliant Autumn colour in shades of yellow, orange or red. Attractive small tree. Prefers cool, deep, moisture retentive soil in a sheltered site.

Walnut - Placentia

$79.00 ($29.75-$79.00 choose a size)

Medium sized nut with a smooth, thin shell. Tree is heavy bearing with good quality nuts. This grafted variety has a lower chill than most walnut varieties and has cropped well in the Subtropics.

Rollinia - Picone

$99.00 ($99.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Selection from Northern NSW, consistent cropper in frost free subtropical locations, large juicy fruit. Rollinia is a relative of the cherimoya this plant has its origins in tropical America. The fruit about 100mm in diameter has a creamy juicy and delicious flesh, according to some tasting like lemon meringue pie. Sourced from Picone Exotic OrchardsThe foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
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