
Truffle - White - host Pinus pinea

$79.00 ($79.00-$129.00 choose a size)

The Bianchetto or little white truffle is from Tuscany. Truffles have a pungent aroma that can be loosely described as of fresh earth and sweet mushrooms. Throughout history people have constantly failed to adequately describe the aroma and flavour of a premium truffle, contributing to the mystique of this exotic fungi. Their taste can permeate and enhance many foods such as soups, dips and pates, salads, sauces, dressings, omelettes and main meals. The irresistible allure of their unique aroma, flavour and taste accounts for their gourmet status, and demand by consumers, and makes them a highly valued ingredient. The host tree is the Pine Nut, or Pinus pinea which produces the delicious nuts, they are inoculated with truffle mycorrhiza. In Europe, truffles thrive in nutrient poor, calcareous (lime) soils and a temperate climate. Therefore to establish a truffiare in Australia you will require an area with a similar climate, including rainfall & winter frosts, sufficient available water for drought proofing, and apply a great deal of lime to replicate the European soil types. They need cold winter temperatures with a few frosts. Hot summer temperatures for initiating truffle formation. Free draining soils, suitable for altering with lime. Sufficient rainfall or irrigation water.
Special Offer: Buy 1+ @$79.00ea usually:$99.00ea

Pistachio - Sirora - Female


High yielding female tree, pair with a male for pollination. Grows to be a small tree or shrub. Best suited to areas with cold winters and hot dry summers, requiring 1000 hours below 7.5 degrees in the winter. Summer and autumn need to be dry to prevent fungal problems. Pistachios are dioecious meaning male and females flowers are produced on separate trees, one of each will be required for fruit set. Spreading habit, wider than it is tall. Pistachios tend toward biennial cropping, meaning they alternately bear lots of nuts one year, then very little the following year

Pistachio - Blue Male


Male pistachio, pollinator for Females. One male will pollinate up to 15 females.

Kumquat - Calamondin


In the Philippines it is referred to a as Calamansi, where the acid pulp is used to make chutney, marmalade or as a lime substitute. Very ornamental bearing heavy crops of small round fruits.

Walnut - Black

$59.00 ($19.75-$59.00 choose a size)

Native to Eastern North America, where it is highly prized for its high quality timber. The edible nut is more difficult to extract than the English Walnut. Used as rootstock because of its hardiness.
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