Finger Lime - Red

$59.00 ($34.00-$149.00 choose a size)

A sensational fingerlime selection with dark maroon skin and bright lively sunrise coloured orange-red vesicles. An upright growing tree that is ideal for backyards.

Chestnut - seedling

$39.00 ($19.75-$39.00 choose a size)

This European chestnut produces large sweet nuts, the kind found sold in fruit markets. Seedlings are relatively quick to bear and are generally more hardy and quick growing than Grafted trees.

Pecan - Apache (B)

$34.00 ($19.75-$34.00 choose a size)

Vigorous tree producing a large smooth nut with thin shell. Good cracking quality. Heavy yielding. Excellent rootstock tree. Requires cross pollination with a A group selection.

Cinnamon Tree

$27.00 ($27.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Highly ornamental tree and the source of cinnamon spice. The beautiful red new growth is highly distinctive. The spice itself is the inner bark that is peeled from the branches after 2 years. Scrape the outer bark, then peel the inner bark, leave for a day so that the inner bark curls into cinnamon sticks as it dries. They are distinctive in the many layered quill they produce that, when crushed, will shard rather than snap. Cinnamon is a very elegant and useful aromatic, much kinder to the palate than other spices. It imparts a distinctively sweet flavour when used. The leaves themselves are higher in clove oil than cinnamaldehyde, the active component of the sweet aromatic scent of cinnamon. Weed Warning: Can be invasive in tropical areas

Vanilla Vine

$39.00 ($24.00-$39.00 choose a size)

The fermented pod of this climbing orchid is harvested from the Vanilla Vine or orchid, an aromatic sweet scents used to flavour cakes, and perfumes. Must be hand pollinated. The only insect capable of pollinating the blossom is the Melipona, a bee (see video) , native only to Mexico so all plants must be hand pollinated within 12 hours of the flower opening. The pods take nine month to develop.
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