Nashi Pear - Nijisseiki

$52.95 ($39.00-$52.95 choose a size)

A heavy bearing variety. Medium sized round fruit of excellent eating quality with crisp, white flesh and yellowish-green, transparent skin and moderate sugar content. Will set fruit without pollination however the fruit is smaller.

Pear - Williams

$39.00 ($39.00-$39.00 choose a size)

Often called 'Bartlett' or Bon Chretien. Medium to large in size and very juicy with a sweet flavour. Pale green at picking, ripening to a clear attractive yellow, sometimes with a slight blush. Used for fresh fruit, juice, stewing, preserving and drying. Early season maturity. Pollinated by 'Beurre Bosc' or 'Nijisseiki' nashi. Partially self-fertile.

Lilly Pilly - Riberry

$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

The small leaved lilly pilly produces masses of red pear shaped fruit. Its handsome purple-red growth makes this lilly pilly one of the favourites as an Edible Hedge. The fruit exhibits a juicy but slightly acidic finish. Which is reminiscent of cinnamon and cloves. It is a very popular ingredient in wild-food dishes.
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Dragon Fruit - Pearl

$19.90 ($9.90-$19.90 choose a size)

A spectacular night flowering cactus with highly ornamental pink skin & white fleshed fruit containing numerous small black seeds. Fruit can be up to 1kg with a melon like flavour. Self pollinating selection from Vietnam. Excellant pollinator for other Pitayas. Guide to planting bare rooted cacti. Please note, calloused cuttings are marked with an arrow, plant with the arrow pointing upwards.

Finger Lime

$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

This is a seedling selection from our grafted varieties. They have a thin skin that ranges in colour from green, yellow, red, purple to even a black. The inner cells are cylindrical balls filled with lime juice. Very hardy. The bushy thorny foliage is a perfect protective habitat for small birds to nest in addition to their fruits.
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