Lychee - Salathiel

$59.00 ($59.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Tree has an open dome shape with excellent quality fruit. Well suited to subtropical conditions. Beautiful coloured fruit with very small seed. Needs protection from wind when young. Mid season

Yellow Mangosteen

$34.00 ($24.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Yellow Mangosteen is a round fruit with very tart yellow segments. The high acidity makes it ideal for jams and jellies but removing the seed and skin can be time consuming. Easier to grow in the subtropics than the purple mangosteen, but the flavour is altogether different. The tree grows well in full sun and shade. It will tolerate and continue to fruit heavily in drought conditions. The tree is very attractive, with large drooping leaves and a layered form. The fruit can reach 8-10 cm in length and looks highly ornamental when in the tree.

Achiote - Bixa

$19.75 ($4.95-$19.75 choose a size)

Also known as Annatto or the Lipstick tree, originates from South America and has spread in popularity to many parts of Asia. It is very popular in Philippine cooking. Grows and a dense small tree or shrub. The heart shaped fruits are brown or reddish brown at maturity, and are covered with short stiff hairs. When fully mature the fruits split open exposing the numerous dark red seeds. While the fruit itself is not edible, the orange-red pulp that covers the seed is used as a commercial food colouring and dye (similar to turmeric). The achiote dye is prepared by stirring the seeds in water, and is popular in South America and Asia to colour rice, desserts, butter, cheese, and many other foods. In the Philippine Islands the seeds are ground and used as a condiment. Tree is extremely beautiful in full flowering and fruiting. Can be grown in a container, prefers a frost-free climate.

London Plane

$39.00 ($19.75-$39.00 choose a size)

This beautiful, hardy tree is well adapted to harsh urban conditions. A deciduous tree with Yellow-green, serrated, lobed leaves. Fast growing and drought tolerant. Performs well in warmer areas in sun or semi-shade.

Carambola Starfruit- Kary Seedling

$19.75 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)

This star like fruit has five golden wings that reveal a star-shaped pattern when cut crosswise. The juicy transparent flesh has a citrus quality with a floral accent and is delicious eaten fresh, made into juice or into a delicious chutney. Seedling grown from the popular Kary selection, which we have found to begin cropping in 2-3 years.Carambola trees have an attractive weeping habit, producing a profusion of pink flowers. The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
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