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Persimmon - Fuyu Vs Jiro

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Db starts with ...
I'm planning to buy Persimmon N/A variety either Fuyu or Jiro.. Which variety is better in terms of taste, tree growth and which will fruit earlier? Due to space limitation I'm planning to grow one in large pot, so which one will suit more? Do they send long tap root? I know Jiro is dwarf variety but being in pot Fuyu will also remain dwarf, isn't it? I heard Fuyu is more vigorous but I could be wrong.. Any comments?
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21st June 2012 9:06am
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Original Post was last edited: 21st June 2012 9:07am
asder says...
You could do worse than read Glowinski's book; he talks in detail about persimmons and it's mostly spot on.
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21st June 2012 2:09pm
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BJ says...
Yes, Jiro is more dwarf. Chester at Forbidden Fruist sells a Fuyu grafted onto dwearfing stock. I recommend visiting the Nambour Garden Expo in a few weeks, where quite a few nurseries will be exhibiting and you can get some great advice about growing them in Brisbane/SE QLD. They can be real sooks of trees here. More trouble than mangosteen as far as Im concerned! But still, well worth it if you can get them going. Few fruit are better than a sweet, non chalky, persimmon.

Do you only want a hard eating one? I like Nightingale personally, but its astringent. I like 'em gooey!
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21st June 2012 2:24pm
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Db says...
So recently I bought both Jiro (from Daleys) and Fuyu (from Forbidden).. I planted Jiro in ground 2 months back and Fuyu 1 month back.. Both are not putting on any new growth.. How long normally it takes for persimmon tree to see new growth once transplanted? I have read they can take longer time to establish but now sure how long..

My Fuyu seems very sick (it is much taller than jiro so gets more sun), it has already dropped almost half of leaves due to sunburn and remaining leaves also has got lot of sunburn and so drying... I'm regularly giving seasol to both.. Is there anything else I can do to promote new growth?
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18th December 2012 11:54am
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MaryT says...
I wouldn't stand there and watch it grow, Db; they do take their time. Years. I just ignore mine but will get excited when they start to flower. They're under the jacaranda and only get morning sun. If yours are burning you must move them.
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Picture: 1
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18th December 2012 1:52pm
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Db says...
MaryT, that's strange because when I visited Daleys last time, most persimmon tree were already fruiting or at least had some flowers.. So I thought they are fast growing and can fruit early.
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18th December 2012 5:59pm
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People who Like this Question TareqMelb1
Charlton says...
There are 3 possibilities, Fuyu,Jiro and
Ichikikejiro,( which is commonly called "jiro" in Nth NSW) If you know Fuyu, then Ichikejiro is a very similar tasting squarish fruit ie mild non astringent. You probably have this, rather than the true JIRO which is a large conical/top shaped fruit.
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18th December 2012 8:51pm
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5zzzzz says...
Hi Guys

I've got a variety call Suruga, anybody have this variety?. What are your thought on this tree?
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19th December 2012 8:03am
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MaryT says...
Db that's probably because I didn't get mine from Daleys - more Diggers' duds. They are about three years behind trees from elsewhere. Grrrr
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19th December 2012 1:19pm
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Db says...
Don't loose your hope MaryT, may be it will fruit soon... Even the one that I bought from Daleys in my last visit didn't had any flower or fruit. That time I choose smaller but more healthy tree with more side branches rather than one taller tree with fruit.. I hope it starts putting on new growth soon... I might loose other persimmon tree that I bought from Forbidden nursery, this tree is twice taller as compared to one from Daleys but its not healthy now at all as its dropping leaves.. Now I'm believing smaller trees are way better to get established as compared to advance trees...
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19th December 2012 2:24pm
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MaryT says...
Well Db Diggers' plants are famous for being minute so as long as you have reason to believe that you'll live on for decades; all's good. I'm giving my Persimmons another year or out they go.
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19th December 2012 7:18pm
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VF says...
Db, Persimmons' growth is in spurts, it's not constant like many other fruit trees. The best growth you get is when they come out of dormancy, (they can put on 2-3 ft in very short amount of time), after which they may get 1 or 2 more (less vigorous) growth activites until Autumn. Your plants are probably struggling as they're only babes with unestablished garden root systems, and trying to cope with current heatwave. Can you make some temporary sun-shelter with shadecloth until they get on their feet (until they're deciduous if necessary)? Check too if soil retaining enough water if you're on clay, and keep well mulched. Once they're established they're great plants - I have a Fuyu not quite 3yr old that has 30+ fruit on it. My Ichi. was planted late winter when dormant - it has established enough roots to cope with heat. (They're both in full sun.)
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20th December 2012 8:08am
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Mike says...
VF I thought I'd catch you while you're frequenting this thread.The eagle has landed so thanks for that.The lily is planted,the nips won't go to waste and I'm glad to here you garden is growing.
Cheers VF.
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20th December 2012 2:03pm
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VF says...
No problem Mike :)
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20th December 2012 2:50pm
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Db says...
Just an update - my sick Fuyu persimmon tree that I bought from Forbidden nursery has now started putting on new growth. It has already dropped more than 90% of the leaves due to I guess sunburn so I thought its going to die but its coming back :) Ichikikijiro variety that I bought from Daleys few weeks before Fuyu purchases has not dropped single leave and it remained green and healthy but no sign on new growth, but I'm sure it will also start growing soon...

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9th January 2013 9:09am
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VF says...
Hi Db, glad your Fuyu is now growing - persimmons are a great fruit, and your tree should reward you in a couple of years. I've posted a few pic's of my lot: the baby Ichi (about 6months old), the Fuyu (just on 3 yrs), and some of the Fuyu's crop. I found that it's in year 2 when the plant starts to take off - I even had 2 fruit set then. This year it's over 30.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3
About the Author
11th January 2013 7:41am
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Db says...
VF, thanks for posting those photos, your Fuyu tree looks very healthy and productive, I'm sure your Jiro will also grow that big soon..
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11th January 2013 9:56am
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Db says...
My 1 yr old Jiro has now set 50 fruits in its first season, they are about grape size or smaller.. Not a single flower/fruit has dropped so far.. Do I need to thin it or will there be a fruit drop anyway? I don't want tree to grow very big due to limited space so I'll be keeping fruits on it but certainly 50 fruits on this young 2.5ft tall tree is too much I think..
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3rd October 2013 8:31am
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Original Post was last edited: 3rd October 2013 8:42am
BJ says...
yes, thin a few that are not on strong framework. bag ones you think are in a good position or else the fruit spotting bugs will thin 100% of them for you...
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3rd October 2013 9:05am
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Db says...
Thanks BJ.. I'll bag them for sure..
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3rd October 2013 9:25am
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Db says...
I was wrong, this morning I found 8 small fruits dropped on the ground (looks like they dropped in last 4-5 days or so).. It means I don't need to thin it as nature as started doing this job for me.. Same think happening for my peach tree as well..
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4th October 2013 9:06am
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Db says...
40 tiny fruits has been dropped so far out of 50 :( Could it be due to recent heatwave here in Brisbane or just a young age of this tree? (but I have seen nursery persimmon plants fruiting happily)
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10th October 2013 10:08am
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MaryT says...
Db if you can keep the 10 fruit that are left that wouldn't be too bad. One of my persimmons is flowering its head off. After reading your post I will try not to have any expectations.
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10th October 2013 2:39pm
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Db says...
MaryT, one suggestion - do not overwater as they don't like it after flowering (it will cause fruit drop). I didn't know this until today.. I watered mine every alternate day in last 2-3 weeks as its getting more hot here everyday..
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10th October 2013 3:52pm
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ivepeters says...
thanks for that piece of enlightenment, I thought the flower drop was due to the heat.
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10th October 2013 4:05pm
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MaryT says...
Well Db I did give them extra water due to the heat; let's hope they appreciate it.
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10th October 2013 7:03pm
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Db says...
6 more has been dropped yesterday and now only last 5 left on the tree.. Looks like I won't be tasting it this season :( My Fuyu is also flowering now but I'm not expecting it to hold any fruit after looking Ichikikijiro performance...

Persimmon fruit drop has to do with heat and age of the tree as well, not just the over-watering..
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11th October 2013 10:48am
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MaryT says...
Db no one watches his/her garden as closely as you do so I hope you are philosophical. You're right in saying that many things could have caused the fruit drop; at the moment my orchard of citrus have hundreds of tiny fruit but I know most of them will drop off. My trees are in pots and there's no way that number of fruit can be sustained.
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11th October 2013 1:00pm
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VF says...
Db, a 2 1/2 ft Persimmon is just a baby, and even if it wanted to hang onto its' current flowers, it'd be better off having them removed (maybe leave 1-2 at the very most if the tree is strong). Give the tree another years growth, and watch for fruit the next season. The quality and size of the fruit will be your reward.

Mary, congrat's for yours finally flowering! Is it the one from Diggers that was being stubborn? Good luck.
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11th October 2013 4:12pm
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Db says...
MaryT, lol.. I agree I do watch my trees very closely but only because all are very young at this stage(under 2 yr) and need more attention and I hand-water them and so get to see them very often.. We cannot compare citrus to Persimmon thought because every citrus drops 98% of fruits set but persimmons are different.. My 3 citrus also has dropped most tiny fruits in this season but that was expected..

VF, I checked it again and its actually 4.5ft tall with multiple branches but I agree its still a baby and I should remove any remaining fruits to allow it to grow... Most of my other baby trees have already fruited (or fruiting) happily though.. I do keep some fruits on them because I don't want any tree to grow very big and want to keep them dwarf due to limited space here...
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13th October 2013 7:03am
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VF says...
Db, 4.5ft is a different story. A couple of fruit should be quite sustainable. My Fuyu had 2 at that size , following year (last year) mid-thirties, this year I can't count how many. I'll be allowing my Jiro its first crop this year, and it'd be similar size to yours.

I'm interested to see how the growth rates of my 2 compare, seeing how Jiro is a dwarf variety. To date, much the same at similar age.
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13th October 2013 7:49am
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laddawan1 says...
My 15years old fuyu has 350 fruits this year
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7th June 2019 12:27am
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sandy31 says...
Has SUruga Fuited? Taste Wise on scale of 10?
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30th April 2021 9:00am
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sandy31 says...
Has SUruga Fuited? Taste Wise on scale of 10?
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30th April 2021 9:00am
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